CVE-2015-10101: Google Analytics Top Content Widget Plugin Vulnerability on WordPress

CVE-2015-10101: Google Analytics Top Content Widget Plugin Vulnerability on WordPress

In this post, we'll discuss a problematic vulnerability found in the Google Analytics Top Content Widget Plugin (up to version 1.5.6) on WordPress, which can be exploited through a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attack. We'll also provide links to original references and information on how to exploit this vulnerability. Finally, we'll share details on the patch (version 1.5.7) that resolves this issue.

Vulnerability Details

The vulnerability is present in an unknown functionality of the file class-tgm-plugin-activation.php in the Google Analytics Top Content Widget Plugin for WordPress. The manipulation of this file allows for the execution of cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

XSS attacks occur when an attacker injects malicious code into a web application or a user's browser, potentially compromising their personal information or enabling unauthorized access. In this case, the attacker can remotely launch the attack.

Exploit Details

While we won't delve into specific exploit techniques, it's important to stress that the vulnerability can be exploited remotely. This means that an attacker doesn't need physical access to the server on which the affected WordPress site is hosted.

Original References

- WPScan Vulnerability Database (VDB-226117)
- Class-tgm-plugin-activation.php Documentation

Solution - Patch (version 1.5.7)

To mitigate the risk posed by this vulnerability, it's necessary to upgrade the Google Analytics Top Content Widget Plugin to version 1.5.7. The patch 25bb1dea113716200a6ff3135801d84a7a65540 addresses this issue, and it's available at the following link:

- Google Analytics Top Content Widget Plugin 1.5.7 Download

It is strongly recommended to upgrade the affected component to ensure the security of your WordPress site.

In conclusion, it's crucial to stay up-to-date with plugin updates and security patches to protect your WordPress site from potential hacks or unauthorized access. Remember to subscribe to our blog for more information on vulnerabilities and how to stay safe online!

CVE-2015-10101 has been assigned to this vulnerability as an identifier.


Published on: 04/15/2023 21:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 04/25/2023 18:47:00 UTC