CVE-2022-27810 In dev-mode, if asserts are enabled, an infinite recursion condition is possible in the error handler.

When a malformed request was received, the JavaScript code would be executed in the dev-mode error handler, resulting in an infinite recursion condition. This issue has been fixed in v0.12.0.

Due to a bug in the dev-mode plugin, when attempting to view a maliciously crafted URL, an error would be triggered instead of the malicious content being displayed. This issue has been fixed in v0.12.0.

It was possible to create a request that would cause an error to be thrown when attempting to view a URL. This issue has been fixed in v0.12.0.

When an invalid URL was received and executed, the dev-mode plugin would throw an error instead of displaying the malicious content. This issue has been fixed in v0.12.0.

Due to a bug in the dev-mode plugin, when attempting to view a maliciously crafted URL, a warning would be displayed instead of the malicious content being displayed. This issue has been fixed in v0.12.0.

When an invalid URL was received and executed, the dev-mode plugin would throw a warning instead of displaying the malicious content. This issue has been fixed in v0.12.0.

It was possible to create a request that would cause an error to be thrown when attempting to view a URL. This issue has been fixed in v0.12.0. The issue with the dev

Install Node.JS and NPM

If you would like to install Node.JS and NPM on a computer, follow the steps below:

Install Windows 10. Download the Windows 10 Creators Update. For example, if you are using 32-bit Windows 7, download and install the Windows 10 April 2018 Update.

Open the Start menu on your computer. Click System -> Advanced system settings -> Apps & features. Find Microsoft Edge in the list of apps and click to expand it. On the right side of Microsoft Edge's details window, click to select Developer mode and then click OK followed by Next> Install Visual Studio 2017 (Tools for Office 365) or (Visual Studio 2017). Select Your installation folder: The default location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\. Visual Studio will then open an executable file called VS2017_x64.exe or VS2017_x86.exe depending on which version you installed (32-bit or 64-bit) that you can double-click to install developer tools for Microsoft Edge. After installation is complete, restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Information Gathering

If you are looking to raise your brand awareness, start by focusing on your audience. This can be done through gathering information about the people who use your product or service.
In a blog post on website marketing, it is written that there are many benefits of digital marketing, including targeting your ideal audience and gathering information about your target demographic.


In v0.12.0, a bug was fixed where if a malformed URL was received and executed, the dev-mode plugin would throw an error instead of displaying the malicious content.

Installation and Upgrading Instructions

Installing the dev-mode plugin
To install the dev-mode plugin, you need to have either a Composer or an NPM dependency installed. If you don't have one installed, follow these instructions for installing Composer and for installing npm.

$ composer require forge/dev-mode
You can also download a release of the plugin from and use that instead of cloning the repo and installing it yourself. That will ensure that you're always using the latest version of the plugin.

To upgrade to v0.12:

Version 0.11.0 - October 2017

When a malformed request was received, the JavaScript code would be executed in the dev-mode error handler, resulting in an infinite recursion condition. This issue has been fixed in v0.11.0.
Due to a bug in the dev-mode plugin, when attempting to view a maliciously crafted URL, an error would be triggered instead of the malicious content being displayed. This issue has been fixed in v0.11.0.
It was possible to create a request that would cause an error to be thrown when attempting to view a URL. This issue has been fixed in v0.11.0.
Due to a bug in the dev-mode plugin, when attempting to view a maliciously crafted URL, a warning would be displayed instead of the malicious content being displayed. This issue has been fixed in v0.11.0


Published on: 10/06/2022 20:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 10/11/2022 17:58:00 UTC
