CVE-2022-30622 The system discloses usernames and passwords, which means it's possible to enter the system. The system loads the request clearly by default.
The server code is very vulnerable, as it is described in the following example. In addition, the server has hard-coded authentication credentials (admin/admin). Path access: http://api/sys_admin_password_admin.cmd - The server loads the request clearly by default. Disclosure of hard-coded login credentials within the JS code sent to the customer within the Login.js file, which allow for super-user access. Username: admin, Password: admin.
Step: Access the server using authorized user credentials
Step 1: You can either download the file or use a web browser to load the file.
Step 2: From within the command prompt, run the following command and press Enter.
C:\Program Files\Dell\SysMgmtCore\bin>net user sysadmin /add
The net user command is used to create users in Windows Active Directory. After entering the user name and password, execute the following command and press Enter again.
C:\Program Files\Dell\SysMgmtCore\bin>net localgroup administrators sysadmin /add
This command adds an entry for "sysadmin" to the group list of administrators. This allows you to login as "sysadmin".
Authentication and Session Management
Authentication and Session Management systems are important components of any modern website. These components provide you the ability to control access to your data and ensure that only authorized users can access it.
To prevent unauthorized access, these systems need to be implemented securely so they cannot be tampered with or accessed by any unauthorized party. Website owners need a way to identify who is accessing their website as well as what they are doing within the site. This allows them to regulate what actions people may take on their site and where they can go within the site, without "hacking" in and giving away their credentials.
The server is vulnerable to a CSRF attack
Server code is very vulnerable because the server has hard-coded authentication credentials (admin/admin). Path access: http://api/sys_admin_password_admin.cmd - The server loads the request clearly by default. Disclosure of hard-coded login credentials within the JS code sent to the customer within the Login.js file, which allow for super-user access. Username: admin, Password: admin.
Server Side Input Validation
Server-side input validation is an important part of a secure environment. It is generally recommended that you do server-side input validation for all requests, especially when the inputs can be changed by the user.
For example, if a login script sends the username and password to the server in an unvalidated form, this can be spoofed by a malicious user. Even though this vulnerability doesn't affect the integrity of the server and its data, it is still very dangerous when two-factor authentication is required.
Additionally, if there are permissions set on certain files within your system and those permissions are not validated before sending to the client, then it can lead to unauthorized access of those files. This vulnerability has been seen in many different types of scripts: auth codes in OAuth2 libraries being sent without validation; file uploads where read/write permissions are not checked before sending to the client; etc.
Published on: 07/17/2022 21:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 07/28/2022 13:37:00 UTC