If a browser requests a file over HTTP instead of HTTPS, it will show a lock symbol in the URL bar. Modern browsers come with a simple preference that allows the user to turn off this warning. If the browser is configured to always show the lock symbol when accessing insecure sites, the user will simply not see the warning. This means that the user is not alerted to the threat of the insecure site.

Integrating an insecure site into a secure site's architecture poses a serious threat to privacy.


SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and TLS (Transport Layer Security) are cryptographic protocols that establish an encrypted connection between your browser and a server. The goal of Secure Socket Layers is to provide privacy and security by encrypting the data transmitted across a network.
The HTTPS protocol is more secure than HTTP because it uses SSL/TLS encryption, which prevents the information from being intercepted during transit. It also provides authentication so that only trusted websites can send data to you.
In addition, HTTPS has a better level of security for third-party sites. If you are not accessing a website through Google Chrome, Firefox, or Opera, then it will be difficult for them to have access to your personal information when you visit their website via HTTPS. However, there are other benefits to using HTTPS as well. As mentioned previously, this protocol provides authentication so that websites cannot steal your personal information from third-party sites like social media platforms. In addition, because HTTPS uses SSL/TLS encryption, then users' private browsing data cannot be accessed without their knowledge or consent. Even if they were hacked or compromised in any way they would not be able to view people's unencrypted browsing history on the site as it would not exist in the first place.

How do you know if the website is secure?

The most common sign that the website is not secure is the lock symbol in the URL bar. However, if you're unsure about whether or not a site is secure, there are a few other ways to determine. One way to know if the site is secure is by looking at the URL and seeing if it starts with "https://" as opposed to "http://". If so, then you can be fairly certain that the site is secure because it uses encryption. Another way to know if a website is encrypted would be by searching for the website's SSL certificate (if available). A third way of finding out would be by checking to see if there's an additional lock symbol in the address bar, after typing the domain name in. This will indicate your internet connection is using HTTPS and not HTTP.

Lastly, if you're still not sure about whether or not a website is secure, consider asking someone with more knowledge of computer security. When it comes to important information like browsing history, sometimes it's best to ask an expert who can tell you what experts should already know about how sites are encrypted.


HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) is an HTTP header that can be set on webpages to force all future HTTP requests to be sent over HTTPS. This prevents attackers from being able to track what sites the user visits, and also helps prevent other malicious behaviors such as cookie hijacking. If a site has HSTS configured and the user is browsing over a secure connection, then the browser will always send HTTPS requests for any new pages loaded in the current session. So even if someone accesses your site via an insecure connection, they won't be able to see any sensitive data such as cookies or scripts.

The downside of HSTS is that it requires you to create a new SSL certificate for each domain - which can cost around $500 per year. However, this does not have to be done at your root domain - you can use subdomains instead.
HSTS became available in Chrome in 2015 and was implemented by default in 2016 across Google's entire library of websites.

The Impact of HTTPS on a Site's Performance

A website without HTTPS is vulnerable to being seen by any third party. Because of this risk, the use of HTTPS is becoming an increasingly important component of digital security.
However, there is a drawback to using HTTPS for each website. When the site uses HTTPS, the browser will prompt the user with a lock symbol in their URL bar if they are accessing an insecure site over HTTP. This means that users may miss critical information about their connection and the site's security status. In other words, if a user wants to visit a secure website from an insecure one, they must go through two separate browser prompts.
This extra step can result in poor performance because it requires that the browser perform additional work and wait for more time for responses during loading times.

How does a web application attack occur?

A web application attack occurs when a malicious web application exploits the user's trust in an otherwise legitimate site. These attacks typically happen when the target is using a browser that doesn't support TLS or when they're using an outdated browser. The attacker intercepts the request and modifies it to include their own version of the URL. This causes the browser to send sensitive information to the wrong server, leading to a breach in security.

In order for a website to be secure, it must use HTTPS, which makes any changes you make transparent so that you and everyone else are aware of what is happening on your site.


Published on: 09/21/2022 17:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 09/23/2022 17:00:00 UTC
