CVE-2022-36451: Understanding the Vulnerability in MiCollab Client Server Component and How to Protect Your Systems

Recently, a vulnerability was discovered in the MiCollab Client server component of the popular collaboration software, Mitel MiCollab, in versions up to and including 9.5..101. This vulnerability, identified as CVE-2022-36451, could allow an authenticated attacker to conduct a Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) attack. In this article, we will explore the details of this vulnerability, including how it can be exploited, and outline steps to protect your systems against potential attacks.

Vulnerability Description

The vulnerability discovered in the MiCollab Client server component arises from an insufficient restriction of URL parameters. Essentially, this means that an attacker can exploit certain connections and permissions available to the host server, potentially leading to unauthorized access to information, impact on system stability, or other malicious activities.

Exploit Details

To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker needs to be authenticated on the MiCollab platform. Once authenticated, the attacker can send a specially crafted request to the server, manipulating the URL parameters in a way that triggers the SSRF vulnerability.

In order to provide a clearer understanding, consider the following code snippet

import requests

# Replace the placeholders with your target's information
target_url = '';
attacker_cookie = 'SESSION_COOKIE_HERE'

# Define the payload
payload = {
    'url_parameter_1': 'value_1',
    'url_parameter_2': 'value_2',
    'vulnerable_parameter': '';

# Send the POST request
response =, cookies={'session': attacker_cookie}, data=payload)

if response.status_code == 200:
    print('Exploit successful.')
    print('Exploit failed.')

This is a simplified example of a Python script that could be used to exploit the vulnerability. In this case, the attacker would replace the target URL and session cookie with the relevant information, while the payload would contain the manipulated URL parameters that trigger the SSRF vulnerability.

Potential Impact of This Vulnerability

The impact of CVE-2022-36451 depends on the connections and permissions available to the target server, as well as the attacker's knowledge and intentions. Potential consequences include unauthorized access to sensitive information, disruption of system stability, or the use of server resources for additional malicious activities.

To protect your systems against potential attacks exploiting CVE-2022-36451, follow the steps below

1. Update your Mitel MiCollab software: Mitel has released a patch that addresses this vulnerability. Download and install the latest version (9.5.1 or later) from Mitel's official website.

2. Limit access to the vulnerable component: Restrict access to the MiCollab Client server component to trusted and necessary users only. This can be achieved through firewall rules, access control lists, and other network security measures.

3. Monitor your systems: Keep a close eye on server logs and other indicators that could signal unauthorized access or suspicious activity.

4. Educate your users: Ensure that users with access to the MiCollab software are aware of this vulnerability and follow best practices for handling sensitive information and maintaining secure access.


CVE-2022-36451 is a potentially serious vulnerability in the MiCollab Client server component, which could lead to unauthorized access or malicious activities if exploited by attackers. By updating your software, limiting access, monitoring your systems, and educating users, you can protect your organization from potential attacks targeting this vulnerability.


Published on: 10/25/2022 18:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 10/28/2022 19:21:00 UTC