CVE-2022-40190: SAUTER Controls moduWeb Firmware Reflective XSS Vulnerability Analysis and Mitigation

The CVE-2022-40190 vulnerability affects SAUTER Controls moduWeb firmware version 2.7.1, leaving it exposed to reflective cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. The moduWeb web application fails to sanitize request strings properly, allowing the injection of malicious JavaScript. Consequently, an attacker leveraging this XSS vulnerability could execute harmful code in users' browsers and steal sensitive information, including their login credentials. This long-read article delves into the details of this vulnerability, providing code snippets and references, as well as information on exploits and potential mitigations.

Vulnerability Details

SAUTER Controls moduWeb firmware develops and produces a range of automation solutions for building management systems. Its implementation in firmware version 2.7.1 contains a critical security flaw identified as CVE-2022-40190. This vulnerability allows potential attackers to inject malicious JavaScript code by manipulating request strings due to inadequate sanitation measures in the web application.

The following code snippet demonstrates a sample attack exploiting the CVE-2022-40190 vulnerability


In this example, the attacker crafts a malicious URL by embedding the harmful JavaScript code within the query parameters. Unsuspecting users who click on this URL will have the malicious JavaScript executed in their browsers, potentially allowing the attacker to access sensitive information and hijack user sessions.

For comprehensive technical details and specific examples, refer to the original vulnerability report in the references section below.

Mitigation and Prevention

To secure the affected SAUTER Controls moduWeb firmware implementations, organizations should adopt a multi-layered approach:

1. Update the Firmware: SAUTER Controls should release a patched firmware version addressing the vulnerability. Users of version 2.7.1 must then promptly upgrade their systems to mitigate the risks posed by the CVE-2022-40190 vulnerability.

2. Implement Input Validation and Sanitization: The web application should be modified to sanitize user input adequately. Employing robust input validation methods, such as filtering out potentially harmful characters or employing whitelist policies for allowable input characters, will reduce the risk of XSS attacks.

3. Adopt Content Security Policies (CSPs): Implementing CSPs can serve as a crucial line of defense against XSS attacks. CSPs allow administrators to specify which sources of content the browser should load, thus preventing malicious JavaScript code from executing.

4. Educate Users: Organizations should educate their users on the risks of clicking on untrusted links, and how to recognize suspicious communications. Raising awareness of potential phishing schemes may reduce the success rate of XSS attack campaigns.

5. Monitor Web Application Logs: Administrators should closely monitor the application logs for any suspicious activity, including attempts to inject malicious code. Detecting and responding to such attempts promptly will undoubtedly strengthen an organization's overall security posture.

Original References

1. CVE Details: CVE-2022-40190 - SAUTER moduWeb Firmware Version 2.7.1 Reflective XSS
2. ModuWeb Firmware Vendor: SAUTER Controls


Reflective XSS vulnerabilities, such as those found in the SAUTER moduWeb firmware version 2.7.1, demonstrate the continuous importance of securing web applications against attack vectors. Accurate input validation, sanitization, and diligent monitoring can play a significant part in mitigating breaches involving this and similar vulnerabilities. Affected companies should prioritize updating their systems as soon as possible while remaining vigilant for exploitative attempts in the meantime.


Published on: 10/31/2022 21:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 11/02/2022 14:13:00 UTC