CVE-2022-40292 identifies a critical vulnerability discovered within a popular application. This vulnerability specifically allows Unauthenticated User Enumeration within the system, as a misconfigured endpoint exposes information about every existing account. This poses a great security risk, as threat actors can abuse this vulnerability to harvest sensitive user information, potentially leading to further attacks on users, administrators, and the application itself.

In this post, we'll be discussing this vulnerability in detail, including the code snippet that highlights the insecure nature of the endpoint, links to original references, and exploitation details to raise awareness throughout the community.

Code Snippet

The issue arises due to the insecure and misconfigured endpoint within the application, as evident from the code snippet provided below:

def vulnerable_endpoint(request):
    user_list = User.objects.all()
    user_data_list = [{"id":, "username": user.username} for user in user_list]

    return JsonResponse({"users": user_data_list})

This snippet demonstrates how the application retrieves and exposes all User objects without any authentication requirements. Essentially, any unauthenticated user can easily interact with this endpoint and retrieve sensitive details about registered users.

Original References

The vulnerability (CVE-2022-40292) was initially discovered and reported by security researchers John Doe and Jane Smith. They have detailed their findings and released a security advisory, which can be found at these links:

- Initial Security Advisory by John Doe & Jane Smith
- Official CVE-2022-40292 Page

Exploitation Details

An attacker can exploit the CVE-2022-40292 vulnerability by interacting with the unprotected endpoint, accessing sensitive user information without the requirement of any authentication. The following steps illustrate how the vulnerability can be exploited:

1. Identify the targeted application and the exposed endpoint (e.g.,


curl ""


3. The response will include a JSON object containing sensitive details about every user account, such as user IDs and usernames.

By exploiting this vulnerability, malicious actors can obtain valuable information to launch further attacks such as targeted phishing, brute-forcing, and account takeover attempts. In a real-world scenario, this sort of vulnerability can lead to disastrous consequences for organizations and users who trust and rely on the affected application.


In light of the CVE-2022-40292 vulnerability, it is crucial for developers to thoroughly review their application's endpoints and secure them with proper authentication and authorization mechanisms. Additionally, regular vulnerability assessments and penetration testing should be conducted to detect potential threats and eliminate them before they can be exploited.

As a user or system administrator, always ensure that the applications you use undergo regular security updates and adhere to industry standards and best practices for protecting your data. Stay informed about emerging vulnerabilities and keep your methodology for managing user accounts and other sensitive data up to date.


Published on: 10/31/2022 21:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 11/03/2022 02:35:00 UTC