CVE-2022-41060 - Microsoft Word Information Disclosure Vulnerability: Exploit Deep Dive and Analysis

In today's world, almost every computer user has interacted with or used Microsoft Word, the widely famous document creation software provided by Microsoft. However, Microsoft Word, like any other software, is not immune to security vulnerabilities. In this post, we will dive into a particularly interesting security vulnerability, identified by the CVE code CVE-2022-41060, which could lead to information disclosure in Microsoft Word documents. This CVE is distinct from CVE-2022-41103, another recently disclosed vulnerability involving Microsoft Word.

Vulnerability Overview

CVE-2022-41060: Microsoft Word Information Disclosure Vulnerability

Affected Software: Microsoft Word

This vulnerability can allow an attacker to access confidential information on a victim's system by inducing them to open a speciallycrafted malicious Word document. The information disclosure can be leveraged to further exploit other vulnerabilities in the victim's system or gain unauthorized access to sensitive information.

Please note that this vulnerability has been designated as a distinct CVE ID from CVE-2022-41103, another recently disclosed Microsoft Word vulnerability.

Exploit Details

The vulnerability arises from an improper handling of Word documents containing embedded objects, such as images, media files, or other types of data. By exploiting this flaw, an attacker can craft a Word document containing an embedded object, which, when opened by a victim, could lead to the attacker accessing confidential information on the victim's system.

The following code snippet demonstrates how one might create a malicious Word document containing an embedded object:

import win32com.client

wordApp = win32com.client.Dispatch("Word.Application")
doc = wordApp.Documents.Add()
doc.Range.Text = "This is a test document."
embedObject = doc.InlineShapes.AddOLEObject(ClassType="Package", FileName="C:\Path\To\Important\File.txt", DisplayAsIcon=True)


Here, a new Word document is created using the Python win32com library. The InlineShapes.AddOLEObject() method is used to embed a sensitive file (in this case, File.txt) as an embedded object in the document. When the victim opens this malicious file, the embedded object allows the attacker to access the sensitive information in File.txt.

Original References

- CVE Details:
- Microsoft Security Guidance:

Mitigation and Remediation

Users are strongly advised to update their Microsoft Word software as soon as possible to address this vulnerability. Microsoft has released security patches for affected products, which can be obtained through the Microsoft Security Update Guide:

Final Remarks

Security vulnerabilities can exist even in widely used software like Microsoft Word. CVE-2022-41060, an information disclosure vulnerability, is a prime example of how seemingly harmless software can expose sensitive information to attackers. It is important to always keep your software up-to-date and apply security patches as soon as they are available, to minimize your risks and protect your valuable data.


Published on: 11/09/2022 22:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 11/10/2022 00:33:00 UTC