CVE-2023-1183 - A deep dive into LibreOffice's potentially dangerous ODB scripting vulnerability

Recently, a new vulnerability (CVE-2023-1183) came to light in the LibreOffice package, an immensely popular open-source office software suite. The vulnerability resides in how Libreoffice handles ODB files containing "database/script" files with scripted commands. This blog post takes an in-depth look at the exploit details, provides code snippets illustrating the vulnerability, and links to the original references.

CVE-2023-1183: Vulnerability Overview

The core issue found in the Libreoffice package revolves around an attacker being able to craft an .odb file with a "database/script" file that contains a scripted command. When executed, this could enable the attacker to write the contents of the file to a new file at any location they choose.

This security flaw is serious because it can compromise the targeted system's confidentiality, integrity, and availability. In the wrong hands, this exploit can be used to steal sensitive information, manipulate data, or launch further attacks on the affected system.

Code Snippet: A closer look at the exploit

To better understand the CVE-2023-1183 vulnerability, let's take a look at an example code snippet that shows how the exploit could function:

-- A malicious HSQLDB script file
'java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime().exec(''touch /tmp/CVE-2023-1183'');';

In the above code snippet, the specially crafted HSQLDB script creates a new alias EXEC that leverages the java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime().exec() function to execute a shell command. In this case, the command 'touch /tmp/CVE-2023-1183' is used to create a new file named 'CVE-2023-1183' in the '/tmp' directory. This demonstrates how an attacker could arbitrarily write and execute files on the targeted system.

Original References and Research

The CVE-2023-1183 vulnerability was initially reported by [Researcher Name] from [Organization Name]. The details of this discovery can be found on their official blog post [Link to the original blog post].

Additionally, the vulnerability has been acknowledged in LibreOffice's security advisories, which can be found here: [Link to LibreOffice's security advisory page].

Exploitation Details

To exploit the CVE-2023-1183 vulnerability, an attacker would typically follow the steps outlined below:

1. Craft a malicious ODB file containing a "database/script" file with the scripted command. This command could be designed to write the contents of the file to a new file at a location chosen by the attacker.

2. Distribute the malicious ODB file via means such as email, file-sharing platforms, or social engineering, enticing unsuspecting users to open the file in LibreOffice.

3. Once the targeted user opens the malicious ODB file, the embedded script is executed, creating a new file at the attacker's specified location on the user's system.

4. With access to this newly created file, the attacker can then proceed to carry out further malicious activities such as espionage, data theft, or launching additional attacks.

Closing thoughts

The discovery of the CVE-2023-1183 vulnerability in LibreOffice demonstrates that even widely popular and trusted open-source software packages are not immune to potential security flaws. It is essential for end-users and system administrators to always stay updated on the latest security patches and maintain a robust security posture.

For those using LibreOffice, ensure that your software package is patched and up to date to protect against this vulnerability. Stay informed with the latest security advisories and consider using additional layers of security, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and antivirus tools, to further bolster your system's defenses.


Published on: 07/10/2023 16:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 07/17/2023 18:13:00 UTC