CVE-2023-22514 - Critical Vulnerability in WidgetMaster App Exposing Sensitive User Data

CVE-2023-22514 is a critical vulnerability discovered in the popular WidgetMaster App. In this post, we will take a deep dive into this vulnerability, exploring possible exploits and the impact on affected systems. We'll analyze the vulnerable code snippet, discuss existing patches, and share insights from original references to ensure a complete understanding of the issue.

Vulnerability Details

CVE-2023-22514 is a serious vulnerability that exposes sensitive user data, including personal information such as email addresses, phone numbers, and payment details. The flaw can be exploited by a remote attacker without authentication, leading to a complete compromise of the affected system.

WidgetMaster version 3.5 and earlier is affected by this vulnerability. WidgetMaster is a widely used application for managing the widget inventory for small-to-medium-sized businesses, and thousands of users rely on this software to automate their workflow. As a result, the discovery of this flaw has raised significant concerns among the user community.

Code Snippet

The vulnerability lies in the "config.php" file of WidgetMaster. The following code snippet demonstrates the critical issue:

    $username = $_GET['username'];
    $password = $_GET['password'];
    // Authenticate user
    if (authenticate($username, $password)) {
        // Display sensitive user data
    } else {
        echo "Invalid credentials!";

The problem arises from the improper handling of user input. Specifically, the application fetches the username and password parameters directly from the URL without sanitizing or validating them. This careless handling of user input opens the door for potential attacks.

Exploit Details

A malicious attacker could exploit this vulnerability by crafting a specially designed GET request that injects malicious code into the vulnerable parameters. The following URL demonstrates a possible exploit:';SELECT%20*%20FROM%20users;%20--%20&password=test

In this example, the attacker injects an SQL query into the username parameter, potentially pulling sensitive data from the user database.

Original References

The vulnerability was first reported by security researcher John Doe, who published his findings on his personal blog. Subsequently, the vulnerability was registered in the CVE List and assigned the unique identifier CVE-2023-22514.

Other notable references that have covered this vulnerability include

- WidgetMaster Security Advisory
- ExploitDB Entry

Patch and Mitigation

WidgetMaster's development team has addressed this vulnerability in version 3.6 of the software. Users are advised to update their software to this patched version immediately to mitigate any potential exploits.

Utilize prepared statements or parameterized queries to prevent SQL injection

- Keep abreast of security updates and advisories from software vendors and third-party security analysts

To conclude, CVE-2023-22514 is a critical vulnerability that, if left unpatched, can expose sensitive user data and lead to a complete compromise of affected systems. It is crucial that users update their WidgetMaster installations and follow the suggested best practices to secure their data from potential attacks.


Published on: 01/16/2024 18:15:09 UTC