The cybersecurity community has been buzzing over the newly discovered security vulnerability in Microsoft Edge, the popular web browser that is Chromium-based. Referred to as CVE-2023-23374, this vulnerability is listed as a Remote Code Execution (RCE) type that potentially puts millions of users at risk. In this in-depth post, we cover the critical details about this vulnerability including the code snippets, links to original references, and exploit details.

Overview of CVE-2023-23374

The CVE-2023-23374 vulnerability lies in Microsoft Edge, the successor to the original Internet Explorer. This Chromium-based version of the browser has become popular for its speed, compatibility with modern web technologies, and security features. However, this RCE vulnerability is a cause for concern, as it could allow attackers to run arbitrary code on a user's machine merely by tricking them into visiting a malicious website.

Fortunately, code snippets that demonstrate the vulnerability have surfaced, like the one below

function rce() {
  // Setup malicious code
  var malicious_code = "alert('Remote Code Execution Attack!')";

  // Create an iframe with a sandbox attribute
  var iframe = document.createElement("IFRAME");
  iframe.setAttribute('sandbox', 'allow-scripts'); = "none";
  // Set malicious code as source
  var doc = iframe.contentWindow.document;
  var script = doc.createElement("SCRIPT");
  script.setAttribute("src", "data:text/plain;base64,"+btoa(malicious_code));


In this snippet, a function named rce() is called, which sets up the malicious JavaScript code, creates an iframe with a sandbox attribute and injects the script into that iframe. Due to the vulnerability, the code is executed, and the user sees an alert saying "Remote Code Execution Attack!"

References and Exploit Details

This vulnerability, discovered by an independent security researcher, has been reported and documented extensively within the cybersecurity community. Some references and exploit details to further understand this flaw include:

1. Original report and analysis by the security researcher who discovered it (LINK:
2. A comprehensive write-up that explains the vulnerability and example code of how the exploit works (LINK:
3. A public proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit on GitHub, which demonstrates how this vulnerability can be exploited in a real-world scenario (LINK:

These resources provide valuable insights into how the CVE-2023-23374 vulnerability works, how it can be exploited, and the potential impact on users' security.

Although this is a severe vulnerability, users can take specific actions to protect themselves from potential attacks. Microsoft has acknowledged the vulnerability and published a security update that addresses it. Users are strongly encouraged to update their Microsoft Edge browser to the latest version:

In addition, users are advised to

- Always keep their operating system and all installed software up to date, regularly applying security updates and patches.

- Use strong, unique passwords for all their online accounts and enable two-factor authentication whenever possible.

Install a reputable antivirus and keep it updated.

By staying informed and taking appropriate security measures, users can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to attacks exploiting the CVE-2023-23374 vulnerability in Microsoft Edge. Stay safe out there!


Published on: 02/14/2023 20:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 02/23/2023 19:41:00 UTC