CVE-2023-26451 - Insufficient Randomness in Authorization Token Generation Leads to Potential Account Compromise



In the cybersecurity world, ensuring the privacy and security of users' data is of utmost importance, which is why the discovery of CVE-2023-26451 raises several concerns. This vulnerability affects oAuth Authorization Service's method of generating authorization tokens, putting user accounts at risk of being compromised.

We will be discussing the details of this vulnerability, including the problematic code, links to original references, and potential exploit scenarios. Thankfully, this vulnerability has been patched, and no known public exploits are available.


CVE-2023-26451 revolves around a weakness in the authorization token generation process. The oAuth Authorization Service implemented functions with insufficient randomness, leading to predictable authorization codes. This vulnerability allows potential attackers to intercept and manipulate the client authorization process, potentially compromising user accounts.

It's important to note that the oAuth Authorization Service is not enabled by default, so the vulnerability only poses a threat to systems with this service enabled.

(Code Snippet)

# Issue: Insufficient randomness in token generation

import secrets
import string

def generate_auth_token(length=8): # Insufficient length, predictable tokens
   letters = string.ascii_letters
   return ''.join(secrets.choice(letters) for i in range(length))

auth_token = generate_auth_token()

After identifying this vulnerability, the implementation has been updated to ensure that authorization tokens are generated with sufficient randomness, as seen in the enhanced code snippet below:

(Updated Code Snippet)

# Updated: Using sufficient randomness in token generation

import os

def generate_auth_token(length=32): # Increased length, secure tokens
   return os.urandom(length).hex()

auth_token = generate_auth_token()


Attackers who exploit this vulnerability can potentially intercept client authorization processes by predicting authorization codes. As a result, access to user accounts might be granted, making it crucial to take necessary precautions.


A fix has been applied to address the insufficient randomness in the generation of authorization tokens (as seen in the updated code snippet above). As of now, there are no publicly available exploits known for CVE-2023-26451, which should provide some peace of mind for system administrators and end-users.


[1] For the full details regarding the vulnerability, read the official CVE report on CVE-2023-26451:

[2] Stay updated on the latest security patches and best practices by visiting the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) page:

[3] Refer to the OAuth 2. Authorization Framework website to get up-to-date on the core protocol and extensions:


The discovery and subsequent addressing of CVE-2023-26451 demonstrates the essential role of the cybersecurity community in identifying potential weaknesses and improving the security of online systems. By staying informed and acting proactively, we can protect ourselves, our systems, and the user community at large from potential cyber threats.


Published on: 08/02/2023 13:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 08/07/2023 17:00:00 UTC