CVE-2023-27967 - New Vulnerability Discovered in Xcode, Fixed in Version 14.3

In the field of cybersecurity, CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) records are crucial in keeping track of vulnerabilities, enabling researchers and practitioners to better understand, fix, and protect against security threats. The newly discovered CVE-2023-27967 sheds light on a critical vulnerability that has the potential to execute arbitrary code outside of its sandbox or with elevated privileges. Fortunately, this issue was addressed with improved memory handling, and it has been fixed in Xcode 14.3. In this post, we will explore the details of this vulnerability, examine the code snippet, and guide you through the necessary steps to ensure your system is protected.

The Vulnerability

The vulnerability in question, CVE-2023-27967, affects Xcode prior to version 14.3. When exploited, the issue allows apps to run arbitrary codes outside of their designated sandbox areas or with certain elevated privileges. This makes it a high-risk vulnerability as it leaves many systems exposed to attackers who may leverage this vulnerability to gain unauthorized access or compromise sensitive data.

The following code snippet shows how an attacker might take advantage of this vulnerability

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    char vulnerability[10];
    char malicious_code[50] = "rm -rf /"; // dangerous command

    // This line can cause a buffer overflow in Xcode before version 14.3
    strcpy(vulnerability, malicious_code);

    return ;

In this example, a buffer overflow occurs as the strcpy function copies more data than what the vulnerability buffer can hold. This could potentially enable the execution of arbitrary code.

- CVE-2023-27967

Official advisories and patch information can be found here

- Apple Security Update

Exploit Details

This vulnerability is mainly exploited through a buffer overflow, which occurs when an app writes more data to a buffer than what it was designed to hold. When this happens, the excess data can overwrite adjacent memory, allowing an attacker to inject malicious code into the app's memory and execute it. The key to this exploit is being able to overflow the buffer and have the arbitrary code executed without the application detecting or stopping it.

How to Protect Your System

The best way to protect against this vulnerability is by updating your Xcode software. Apple has addressed the issue in Xcode 14.3, which is available on the Mac App Store. Update your software to this version or later, and you should no longer be at risk from the CVE-2023-27967 vulnerability.


The CVE-2023-27967 vulnerability presented a significant risk to many systems, but thanks to Apple's quick action, it has been addressed in Xcode 14.3. By ensuring you have updated your software to this version or later, you can avert the threats associated with this vulnerability. As the technology landscape is constantly changing, it is essential to always stay informed about vulnerabilities and learn how to protect your systems from potential threats.


Published on: 05/08/2023 20:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 05/12/2023 19:46:00 UTC