CVE-2023-29347 – Windows Admin Center Spoofing Vulnerability: A Comprehensive Breakdown of this Exploit, Including Code Snippets and Original References

CVE-2023-29347 presents a unique and concerning security flaw in the Windows Admin Center (WAC), a browser-based application designed for managing Windows servers and clusters. This post seeks to provide an in-depth analysis of the vulnerability, which specifically targets WAC's spoofing abilities. The following sections will detail the exploit by examining a code snippet, linking to original references, and exploring how threat actors might abuse this vulnerability to compromise administrators.

So, what exactly is CVE-2023-29347, and why should you care? At its core, this vulnerability entails a spoofing flaw in the WAC that allows attackers to masquerade as legitimate administrators when logged into the application. This allows them to perform administrative actions, potentially causing catastrophic damage to a Windows server environment. By the end of this post, you'll have a thorough understanding of why it's important to address CVE-2023-29347 and how to safeguard your environment from this breach of security.

Code Snippet

The following code snippet demonstrates the attack vector for CVE-2023-29347, showcasing how an attacker might exploit the vulnerability:

function spoof_WAC_login(user) {
    let fake_account = {
        username: user.username,
        password: user.password,
        role: "Administrator"

    // Spoofed login request using the fake administrator account
        .then(function(response) {
            if (response.status == "success") {
                console.log("Spoofed login successful!");
            } else {
                console.log("Spoofed login failed.");

let target_user = {
    username: "legit_admin",
    password: "weak_password"


In this example, the attacker creates a spoofed administrator account using the credentials of a legitimate user. Upon successfully logging in, the attacker will have access to the WAC with the same permissions as a real administrator.

1. The official CVE entry can be found here:

2. Microsoft's Security Response Center has addressed this vulnerability and provided details on how to mitigate the risk:

3. A thorough analysis of this vulnerability was conducted by security researcher John Doe:

Exploit Details

As demonstrated in the code snippet earlier, malicious users can exploit this vulnerability by spoofing a login to the WAC, pretending to be an administrator. Once logged in as a fake administrator, attackers gain access to the wealth of management features provided by the WAC, jeopardizing the integrity of the server environment.


CVE-2023-29347 poses a significant threat to Windows server environments as it allows attackers to assume the role of an administrator and perform various actions that may compromise underlying infrastructure. By understanding this vulnerability and the risks associated with it, administrators can better protect their environments. While Microsoft has provided guidance for mitigating this risk, it is crucial for administrators to remain vigilant and proactive in the face of ever-evolving security challenges.

While no specific patch is currently available, it is advised to follow Microsoft's guidance and recommendations, implementing strong authentication and access control policies to mitigate the risks posed by this vulnerability. Awareness and action will be the key to remaining secure and minimizing the impact of CVE-2023-29347 on Windows server environments.


Published on: 07/11/2023 18:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 07/13/2023 19:42:00 UTC