CVE-2023-29349 - Exploring Microsoft ODBC and OLE DB Remote Code Execution Vulnerability: Digging into Details, Finding Solutions, and Providing Recommendations for Mitigation

In this long-read post, we will dive deep into the critical security vulnerability CVE-2023-29349, a Microsoft ODBC and OLE DB remote code execution vulnerability that has the potential to impact many organizations relying on Microsoft's data access technologies. This vulnerability is particularly dangerous as it could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code on a victim's machine, potentially gaining control over sensitive systems and data. We will take a closer look at this vulnerability, including its technical details, possible exploits, original sources of information, and recommendations to prevent its exploitation.

Understanding Microsoft ODBC and OLE DB

Before delving into the details of CVE-2023-29349, it is crucial to understand the technologies involved: Microsoft's Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) and Object Linking and Embedding, Database (OLE DB).

ODBC is a widely-used database access protocol that enables applications to connect to various databases using a standardized Application Program Interface (API). Microsoft developed the technology to maintain a common interface for accessing different database management systems, including SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, and others.

OLE DB, on the other hand, is a part of the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) technology, which offers a consistent way of accessing and managing data stored in diverse formats, such as relational databases, spreadsheets, and even text documents. OLE DB presents a more abstract and object-oriented approach to accessing data compared to ODBC.

The Vulnerability: CVE-2023-29349

CVE-2023-29349 is a critical security vulnerability found in both the ODBC and OLE DB technologies. If successfully exploited, it could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code on the targeted system and potentially gain unauthorized access to sensitive information, user credentials, or even perform further malicious actions.

This vulnerability results from the improper handling of specific input by the affected ODBC and OLE DB components. As a consequence, an attacker can send specially-crafted input to these components to trigger a buffer overflow and consequently execute arbitrary code.

Exploit Details

To exploit CVE-2023-29349, an attacker would first need to identify vulnerable systems. They might do this by scanning for systems running the affected versions of ODBC or OLE DB components or phishing techniques to trick users into revealing system information.

Once the attacker has identified vulnerable systems, they can create a specifically crafted input designed to exploit the buffer overflow vulnerability. This input could be included in an SQL query or other interactions with the targeted system using the ODBC or OLE DB components. A successful exploit of this vulnerability could result in remote code execution.

Here is a sample of a possible exploit that could be used to trigger the vulnerability

#!/usr/bin/env python
import socket

# Replace with the IP address of the target
target_ip = '192.168.x.x'

# Replace with the correct ODBC or OLE DB port number
target_port = 12345

# Replace with the correct, specially crafted, input string
evil_input = 'A' * 512

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((target_ip, target_port))

This sample code demonstrates a basic exploit where an attacker constructs a specifically crafted input string consisting of 512 'A' characters, connects to the vulnerable system's ODBC or OLE DB port, and sends this input string to trigger the buffer overflow.

1. Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) database entry:
2. Microsoft Security Advisory:

1. Apply the latest security patches for ODBC and OLE DB components provided by Microsoft. Security updates are available at the Microsoft Update Catalog
2. Implement network segmentation and restrict access to sensitive systems to prevent unauthorized access and lateral movement within the network.
3. Use proper input validation and prepared statements in applications that interact with ODBC and OLE DB components to prevent buffer overflow attacks.
4. Regularly update and monitor systems to ensure they are protected against known security vulnerabilities.


CVE-2023-29349 is a serious security vulnerability that can lead to remote code execution, allowing attackers to gain unauthorized access to sensitive systems and data. Understanding the technical details, potential exploits, and applying the necessary mitigation steps will help organizations protect their critical systems and data from falling into the wrong hands.


Published on: 06/16/2023 01:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 06/16/2023 03:19:00 UTC