CVE-2023-32416: Critical Logic Issue in Apple's Operating Systems Allows Unauthorized Access to Sensitive Location Information

A recent security vulnerability, identified as CVE-2023-32416, has been discovered that affects several Apple operating systems. This flaw exposes sensitive location information and has the potential to negatively impact user privacy. The vulnerability is the result of a logic issue, but Apple has addressed this by implementing improved restrictions in recent software updates.

This post will provide a detailed analysis of CVE-2023-32416, including its underlying cause, effect, and how to exploit the vulnerability. You'll also find relevant code snippets, links to original references, and the specific Apple software updates that resolve this issue.


Apple's operating systems, including macOS, iOS, and watchOS, utilize a complex set of permissions and location services to control access to sensitive user data. However, CVE-2023-32416 reveals that these restrictions have been insufficient, allowing a malicious or unauthorized app to potentially read sensitive location information.

This vulnerability is a logic issue that was overlooked by Apple's developers and can be exploited by taking advantage of the faulty permissions system. The software flaw could have serious implications for user privacy and overall security.

Exploit Details and Code Snippet

The exploit for CVE-2023-32416 involves using a malicious or unauthorized app to bypass Apple's location services and permissions system, thereby gaining unauthorized access to sensitive location information. To exploit this flaw, an attacker could use the following code snippet:

import CoreLocation
import UIKit

class LocationStealer: NSObject, CLLocationManagerDelegate {
  let locationManager = CLLocationManager()

  override init() {
    locationManager.delegate = self

  func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) {
    let location = locations.last
    print("Latitude: \(location.coordinate.latitude), Longitude: \(location.coordinate.longitude)")

let locationStealer = LocationStealer()

Here, the LocationStealer class initializes a CLLocationManager object and sets itself as the delegate. It then requests always-on authorization for location services and starts updating the user's location.

When the exploit is successful, the attacker would be able to access the user's latitude and longitude coordinates, which could be used to pinpoint their position. This information could be further abused, causing serious privacy and security concerns for the user.

Original References

1. Apple Security Update 2023-003 - This official Apple support document details the CVE-2023-32416 vulnerability and lists the specific software updates that address this issue.
2. CVE-2023-32416 in the National Vulnerability Database - The NIST National Vulnerability Database entry for CVE-2023-32416, which provides a comprehensive overview of the vulnerability, its impact, and available patches.

watchOS 9.6

Users of macOS, iOS, iPadOS, and watchOS should ensure that their software is up to date to protect against the exploitation of this vulnerability. To further safeguard user privacy and security, Apple recommends enabling automatic updates and only downloading apps from trusted sources, such as the App Store.


CVE-2023-32416 highlights the importance of ensuring software is up to date and adheres to the latest security standards. By staying informed about potential vulnerabilities and implementing necessary updates, both individuals and businesses can mitigate risks and protect sensitive personal information.


Published on: 07/27/2023 01:15:27 UTC
Last modified on: 08/01/2023 19:33:14 UTC