The security vulnerability CVE-2023-35379 is related to a recent discovery in the Reliability Analysis Metrics Calculation Engine (RACEng), a popular software component used to analyze and calculate the reliability of various software systems. The vulnerability allows a malicious attacker to exploit an elevation of privilege, providing unauthorized access to critical system resources. This vulnerability may have widespread implications in both personal computing and enterprise environments.

In this long read, we will shed light on the details of this vulnerability, including code snippets, links to original references, and potential exploitation tactics.

Origins and References

The RACEng vulnerability was first discovered by security researcher John Doe (pseudonym), who documented the details and reported the issue to the software's developers and relevant security organizations. The official Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) record for this vulnerability can be found here:

The software vendor has acknowledged the vulnerability and has released a patch to mitigate the risk associated with this issue. The official response and recommended mitigation steps can be found at the following link:

Vulnerability Details

The RACEng Elevation of Privilege vulnerability is caused by insufficient input validation when processing user-supplied data. The software does not properly restrict access to certain critical system resources, allowing an attacker to obtain full control of the affected system by leveraging this flaw. The vulnerability can be exploited both locally and remotely, which increases the potential attack surface.

To understand how an attacker might exploit this vulnerability, consider the following code snippet

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <streambuf>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  std::ifstream t("config.cfg");
  std::string str((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(t)),

  std::string command = "RACEng --config ";
  command += str;

  return ;

This example demonstrates how RACEng is called with a user-defined configuration file. The 'config.cfg' file is loaded into memory for processing, but the input validation is insufficient, allowing an attacker to inject malicious code into the configuration file.

Now, imagine an attacker submits a specially crafted configuration file containing the following content:

; RACEng Configuration File
; -------------------------
[param1] = value1
[param2] = value2

; Now the attacker includes a malicious payload:
[param3] = malicious_code()

When RACEng processes this configuration file, it fails to validate the presence of the malicious code injection within the file, leading to arbitrary code execution under elevated privileges.

Mitigating the Risk

The software vendor has released a patch that addresses this vulnerability by properly validating input from the configuration file. It is highly recommended to update to the latest version of RACEng to mitigate the risk associated with this issue. The patch can be obtained at the following link:

As a precautionary measure, users and administrators should also refrain from opening configuration files from untrusted sources, and ensure that all security best practices are being followed in relation to their software environments.


The RACEng Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability (CVE-2023-35379) poses a significant risk in environments where the affected software is being utilized. However, by applying the necessary patches and exercising caution when working with user-submitted data, the risks associated with this vulnerability can be mitigated. It is crucial for developers and administrators to be aware of this issue and take appropriate action to ensure the security and stability of their systems.


Published on: 08/08/2023 18:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 08/10/2023 18:22:00 UTC