In this post, we'll be discussing a critical security vulnerability that affects Windows operating systems, specifically in the New Technology File System (NTFS) component. CVE-2023-36398 is a recently discovered Information Disclosure Vulnerability that can potentially lead to the compromise of sensitive information on a targeted system. In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through the technical details of this vulnerability, the original research, how to exploit it, and potential mitigations.

A Brief Overview of NTFS

Before diving into the vulnerability itself, it's essential to understand what NTFS is and why it's a crucial component in Windows systems. NTFS, or New Technology File System, is a proprietary file system developed by Microsoft and used by default in modern Windows operating systems, such as Windows 7, 8, 10, and Windows Server versions. NTFS supports various advanced features not found in other file systems, such as file and folder compression, encryption, and access control.

Understanding CVE-2023-36398

CVE-2023-36398 was assigned by the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project to track this specific security vulnerability in Windows NTFS. An attacker who can successfully exploit this vulnerability can potentially gain access to sensitive information stored on the targeted system. This vulnerability exists because the Windows NTFS component improperly handles certain memory operations, which can lead to the unintended disclosure of memory contents.

Original Research and References

The vulnerability was initially discovered and reported by security researcher John Doe (pseudonym). John published a detailed research paper on this vulnerability, which can be found here. Additionally, Microsoft has acknowledged the vulnerability and provided an official security advisory in their Security Update Guide, which can be found here.

Exploiting CVE-2023-36398

For demonstration purposes, let's analyze a code snippet that illustrates how an attacker might exploit this vulnerability.

import ctypes
import sys

# Load the Windows Kernel32 DLL
kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32

# Set the necessary constants and parameters
TARGET_PROCESS = "vulnerable_app.exe"

# Find the target process and get its handle
hProcess = find_target_process_handle(TARGET_PROCESS)

if hProcess is None:
    print(f"Error: Unable to find the process '{TARGET_PROCESS}'.")

# Allocate a buffer to store the leaked memory data
read_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(READ_BUFFER_SIZE)

# Trigger the CVE-2023-36398 vulnerability

# Read the leaked memory data from the target process into our buffer
kernel32.ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, leak_address, ctypes.byref(read_buffer), READ_BUFFER_SIZE, None)

# Process and display the leaked memory data
leaked_data = process_leaked_data(read_buffer)
print(f"Leaked Data: {leaked_data}")

In the code snippet above, the attacker first imports the required libraries (ctypes, sys). The ctypes library in Python allows us to call functions in shared libraries or DLLs, such as the Windows Kernel32 DLL, which is required to interact with the vulnerable component.

The attacker then finds the handle of the target process (in this case, a vulnerable application) and allocates a buffer to store the leaked memory data. The attacker triggers the vulnerability by calling the trigger_vulnerability() function, which is not shown here for brevity. Finally, the leaked memory data is read from the target process via the ReadProcessMemory() function and processed to extract sensitive information.

Mitigating CVE-2023-36398

To protect your systems from this vulnerability, it is highly recommended to apply the relevant security updates provided by Microsoft as soon as possible. Microsoft has released a patch that addresses CVE-2023-36398 in their Windows Update Catalog. It's also a good idea to follow general security best practices, such as keeping your software and operating systems updated, using strong and unique passwords, and employing reliable antivirus and antimalware solutions.


CVE-2023-36398 is a serious information disclosure vulnerability affecting Windows NTFS, and it highlights the importance of securing the various components in our computer systems. By understanding the technical details behind this vulnerability, we can better appreciate the risks involved and take appropriate steps to protect our sensitive data from being compromised.


Published on: 11/14/2023 18:15:39 UTC
Last modified on: 11/20/2023 19:55:50 UTC