CVE-2023-36591: A Deep Dive into Microsoft Message Queuing Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

A critical vulnerability, identified as CVE-2023-36591, has recently been uncovered in Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) that allows attackers to execute arbitrary code remotely on the targeted system. This vulnerability is particularly troublesome due to its ease of exploitation and the potential for damage, making it essential for organizations to understand and remediate.

This article provides a comprehensive overview of the CVE-2023-36591 vulnerability, along with details of the exploit, code snippets, and links to original references. Observing the simple American language, we aim to make this material exclusive yet accessible to a broad audience.

What is Microsoft Message Queuing?

Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) is a messaging protocol that facilitates asynchronous communication between applications on a Windows platform. MSMQ allows applications to send and receive messages to and from each other regardless of whether they are running concurrently. MSMQ messages are stored in queues until the receiving application becomes available, ensuring seamless communication between applications even under non-ideal circumstances.

Understanding the CVE-2023-36591 Vulnerability

CVE-2023-36591 is a Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability present in the way MSMQ processes certain message types. An attacker who successfully exploits this vulnerability can execute arbitrary code on the targeted system, providing the attacker with extensive control over the system. The attack vector typically involves sending a malformed message to a vulnerable MSMQ instance to trigger the vulnerability.

Consider the following Datagram sample in the Python programming language

import socket


malformed_msg = b'\\\\!SOME_MALFORMED_MESSAGE\n'

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock.sendto(malformed_msg, (TARGET_IP, TARGET_PORT))

This Python script demonstrates how an attacker can send a malformed message to a target IP address and port to potentially trigger the CVE-2023-36591 vulnerability. This sample is for educational purposes only and should not be used for malicious purposes.

a. Identify a vulnerable MSMQ instance on the target system

b. Craft a malicious message designed to trigger the vulnerability

c. Send the malicious message to the target system


Microsoft has published an official security advisory regarding the CVE-2023-36591 vulnerability, which can be found here:

- Microsoft Security Advisory CVE-2023-36591

For information regarding Microsoft Message Queuing, please refer to the following documentation

- Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ))


Understanding the CVE-2023-36591 vulnerability and the potential risk it poses to your organization is essential for maintaining a robust security posture. By keeping an eye on the latest security advisories and having a proactive approach to patch management, you can ensure that your organization remains resilient against this and other critical vulnerabilities.


Published on: 10/10/2023 18:15:14 UTC
Last modified on: 10/13/2023 19:00:28 UTC