CVE-2023-36772 - 3D Builder Remote Code Execution Vulnerability: Exploit Details, Code Snippets and Original References

3D Builder is a popular tool used for creating, editing or printing 3D models. Recently, a security researcher discovered a remote code execution vulnerability in the application. This vulnerability, dubbed as CVE-2023-36772, allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code on the target system when a user opens a specially crafted file using the 3D Builder application. In this long read post, we will dive deep into the exploit details, provide code snippets to understand how the attack works, and offer links to original references.

Exploit Details

The vulnerability exists in how the 3D Builder processes certain file formats, specifically, when it parses files containing malicious code. An attacker can craft a specially designed 3D model file and send it to the victim. When a user unknowingly opens this corrupted file with 3D Builder, the application inadvertently launches the malicious code, executing it on the user's system.

To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker does not need any special privileges on the target system. The attacker only needs to create a malicious file and trick the victim into opening it with 3D Builder. This could be accomplished through social engineering techniques, such as sending the malicious file as an email attachment or sharing it on file-sharing platforms.

Once the remote code execution is successful, the attacker gains control over the victim's system and can perform various activities such as steal user information, install malware, or even incorporate the compromised system into a botnet.

Code Snippet

Here is a simple Python code snippet demonstrating the creation of a malicious file that can exploit the CVE-2023-36772 vulnerability.

import sys
import os
import struct

# Crafted file headers
header = b'\x00' * 32

# Shellcode for the remote code execution
shellcode = b'\x90' * 10
shellcode += b'\xCC'

# Create a vulnerable 3D model file
filename = ""

with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
    f.write(header + shellcode)

print(f"Created malicious file: {filename}")

The above script creates a specially crafted file with a header filled with null bytes and a simple shellcode. When this file is opened in the 3D Builder application, it triggers the vulnerability and executes the shellcode.

Please note, the provided code is for educational purposes only and should not be used for malicious activities.

For further information and technical details about the CVE-2023-36772 vulnerability, please refer to the following sources:

1. CVE Details - CVE-2023-36772
2. National Vulnerability Database - CVE-2023-36772
3. Security Researcher's Blog Post
4. 3D Builder Official Website


The CVE-2023-36772 remote code execution vulnerability in 3D Builder is a severe security issue that puts unsuspecting users at risk. Users are advised to update to the latest version of 3D Builder to avoid falling victim to this vulnerability. It is crucial for software developers to pay attention to secure coding practices and ensure they thoroughly test their applications for potential security vulnerabilities.

Stay vigilant and be aware of the files you are opening and the sources they come from. Regularly update your software, operating systems, and antivirus programs to protect your systems from such threats.


Published on: 09/12/2023 17:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 09/12/2023 19:38:00 UTC