In this vulnerability-focused long-read post, we will analyze an exploitable Microsoft Streaming Service Proxy vulnerability identified as CVE-2023-36802. This vulnerability allows attackers to elevate their privileges and access restricted resources in the target system. The post will provide code snippets, references to original sources, and details on how the vulnerability can be exploited.

Original References

- Link to the official CVE page
- Link to Microsoft's security bulletin

Vulnerability Analysis

The Microsoft Streaming Service Proxy, also known as the Windows Media Services (WMS), is a built-in Windows component designed to help businesses stream multimedia content over networks. The vulnerability CVE-2023-36802 is present in the affected proxy services, exposing the running system to potential unauthorized access.

An attacker who successfully exploits this vulnerability could execute arbitrary code in the context of the affected user. This means that the attacker could gain increased privileges and perform unauthorized actions, potentially compromising the user's data and the security of the system.

Exploit Details

The vulnerability is triggered by a race condition when the Microsoft Streaming Service Proxy (WMS) fails to validate certain user-supplied input. The race condition could lead to a buffer overflow that may be exploited to elevate an attacker's permissions within the running system.

The following code snippet illustrates a potential buffer overflow exploit (note this is a simplistic example for demonstration purposes only):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(void) {
  char input[100];
  memcpy(input,".....", 5); // some user-controlled input
  char buffer[4];

  strcpy(buffer, input); // Vulnerable to buffer overflow

  return ;

To exploit this vulnerability, the attacker would need local access to the target system. By creating a specially crafted program (as shown in the example above), they would be able to overflow the buffer and subsequently overwrite memory locations, leading to code execution in the context of the current user.

Mitigation Steps

Microsoft has already released a patch resolving this vulnerability. The affected users are recommended to apply the updates provided by Microsoft as soon as possible. Detailed information about the patch and instructions for applying it can be found in the Microsoft Security Bulletin link.

In addition, users should follow best security practices to strengthen their defenses against similar vulnerabilities:

Regularly update all software, including operating systems and applications

2. Maintain tight access control mechanisms, both physically and remotely, to reduce unauthorized access
3. Minimize the privileges of user accounts and applications, ensuring that the least amount of privilege is granted to accomplish tasks
4. Continuously monitor system logs for any unusual activities or attempts to exploit known vulnerabilities


CVE-2023-36802 is a critical elevation of privilege vulnerability in the Microsoft Streaming Service Proxy, which attackers could exploit to gain unauthorized access and control of the target system. By analyzing the exploit code, understanding the vulnerability's root cause, and implementing the appropriate mitigations, security professionals can protect their systems from this vulnerability.

Stay informed about similar vulnerabilities, as well as their exploits and mitigations, by subscribing to official security bulletins and keeping an eye on the latest security news.


Published on: 09/12/2023 17:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 09/12/2023 19:38:00 UTC