CVE-2023-37600: Reflected XSS Vulnerability Discovered in Office Suite Premium Version v10.9.1.42602

A newly discovered security vulnerability, assigned CVE-2023-37600, affects Office Suite Premium Version v10.9.1.42602. It is a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability that exists through the id parameter at /api?path=profile. By exploiting this flaw, an attacker can inject malicious JavaScript code into a user's web browser, leading to the potential theft of sensitive information, access to web application functions, or even redirection to a malicious site.

Technical Details

The Reflective XSS vulnerability takes advantage of the "id" parameter used in the path "/api?path=profile." A successful exploitation occurs when an attacker injects harmful JavaScript into the query string, which the application then echoes back in its response without proper sanitization. Consequently, the malicious code can be executed within the unsuspecting user's browser.

Suppose the target URL is

An attacker can exploit the vulnerability by injecting malicious JavaScript code into the affected "id" parameter. Here's an example of the malicious URL:

When an unsuspecting user clicks on the link, the injected script (<script>alert("XSS Vulnerability")</script>) will execute, displaying an alert with the message "XSS Vulnerability" within their browser.

Original References

1. CVE-2023-37600 -
2. NIST Vulnerability Database -
3. Office Suite Premium Version Release Notes -

Exploit Details

The primary risk associated with this vulnerability is the execution of malicious scripts within the user's browser context, allowing unauthorized access to user data, application functions, and potentially delivering harmful payloads.

Examples of attack scenarios include

1. Session Hijacking: The attacker uses the vulnerability to capture a user's session cookies, potentially allowing them access to the victim's account or sensitive data.
2. Identity Theft: The attacker utilizes the vulnerability for phishing and social engineering, convincing the victim to provide sensitive personal information through a fake login form.
3. Unauthorized Application Access: By exploiting the XSS vulnerability, the attacker impersonates a legitimate user, accessing restricted portions of the web application.

Protection Measures

To remediate this security vulnerability within Office Suite Premium Version v10.9.1.42602, it is essential to apply input validation and output encoding techniques. Specific steps include:

1. Update to the Latest Version: Visit the official website ( to download and install the latest version of the software, which includes security fixes for known vulnerabilities.
2. Implement Input Validation: Ensure that the "id" parameter only accepts valid input values by using stringent validation functions such as regular expressions (regex) or input validation libraries.
3. Apply Output Encoding: Use secure output encoding techniques (e.g., HTML encoding) when processing user-supplied data to prevent malicious scripts from executing in the browser.
4. Employ Security Headers: Ensure that the CSP (Content Security Policy) header is set appropriately to block the execution of unauthorized scripts within the application context.


CVE-2023-37600 is a critical security vulnerability affecting Office Suite Premium Version v10.9.1.42602. This reflected XSS vulnerability results from improper handling of the "id" parameter at /api?path=profile. Users and administrators should take the necessary precautions to update the software, validate inputs, and encode outputs to prevent potential exploitation and protect sensitive data.


Published on: 07/20/2023 19:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 07/31/2023 16:59:00 UTC