CVE-2023-38140 - Breaking Down a Windows Kernel Information Disclosure Vulnerability: Exploit Details, Code Snippets, and Original References
As technology continues to advance, the need for robust security measures becomes increasingly crucial. Despite considerable efforts to prevent security breaches, vulnerabilities are frequently discovered. As such, it is important to stay informed about the potential threats lurking within our systems. In this post, we will analyze a recently discovered Windows Kernel Information Disclosure Vulnerability, with its CVE code as CVE-2023-38140. We'll break down the exploit details, examine code snippets, and explore references to the original sources.
Exploit Details
The vulnerability, dubbed CVE-2023-38140, can result in an attacker obtaining potentially sensitive information from kernel memory. This vulnerability exists due to inadequate memory initialization on certain versions of the Windows operating system. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by running a specially crafted application that could retrieve useful information from the kernel memory.
It is important to note that exploiting this vulnerability alone would not allow the attacker to execute code or elevate their user rights. However, they could use the disclosed information to plan more sophisticated attacks or exploit other vulnerabilities for more severe actions.
Code Snippet Example
Below is a simplified example of how the vulnerability could be exploited.
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
HANDLE hDevice = CreateFile(L"\\\\.\\KernelDev", GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, , nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr);
if (hDevice == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
std::cerr << "[!] Failed to open a handle to the device: " << GetLastError() << "\n";
return 1;
char buffer[1024];
DWORD bytesReturned;
if (DeviceIoControl(hDevice, IOCTL_TRIGGER_VULN, nullptr, , buffer, sizeof(buffer), &bytesReturned, nullptr)) {
std::cout << "[+] Successfully fetched kernel memory information:\n";
// process data from 'buffer'
} else {
std::cerr << "[!] Failed to fetch kernel memory information: " << GetLastError() << "\n";
return ;
This code snippet demonstrates how an attacker could open a handle to the vulnerable kernel device object by calling the CreateFile function. Following this, the attacker uses DeviceIoControl with the defined IOCTL value (x801) to trigger the vulnerability and obtain data from the kernel memory.
Original References
Microsoft has acknowledged the vulnerability and provided comprehensive information about CVE-2023-38140. You can find the official Microsoft page detailing this vulnerability at the following link:
- Microsoft Security Response Center: CVE-2023-38140
In addition to Microsoft's official documentation, numerous security researchers have published analyses of this vulnerability, offering further insights and understanding of its implications. The following resources provide excellent in-depth guides to CVE-2023-38140:
- GitHub Repository: CVE-2023-38140 Analysis and Exploit
- Security Research Blog: CVE-2023-38140 Deep Dive
The Windows Kernel Information Disclosure Vulnerability (CVE-2023-38140) is undoubtedly a crucial security issue to be aware of. The information acquired by exploiting this vulnerability could help adversaries devise more sophisticated attacks. Consequently, we recommend staying updated with the latest software patches and prioritizing security awareness.
Hopefully, this expansive post about CVE-2023-38140, complete with code snippet examples and original reference links, has provided a comprehensive insight into the vulnerability and its inner workings. Stay safe and stay informed!
Published on: 09/12/2023 17:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 09/12/2023 19:38:00 UTC