In today's increasingly connected world, vulnerabilities in widely-used software such as web browsers can cause widespread disruption and lead to potential security breaches. One such vulnerability has been identified in the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge browser - the CVE-2023-38187 Elevation of Privilege vulnerability. In this long-read post, we will delve into this vulnerability, its exploit details, code snippets, and the original references, using simple American language.


CVE-2023-38187 is a newly discovered vulnerability impacting Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) web browsers. The vulnerability has been categorized as an "Elevation of Privilege" (EoP) issue, which allows potential attackers to exploit it to gain elevated permissions on a target system. This could lead to a variety of malicious activities, including the potential to perform unauthorized actions, access sensitive data, or even execute arbitrary code with escalated privileges.

Exploit Details

The CVE-2023-38187 vulnerability arises due to improper handling of certain file operations by the Microsoft Edge browser. Specifically, the browser fails to properly validate and restrict file accesses made by web content, which ultimately leads to the EoP issue.

A potential attacker who successfully exploits this vulnerability has the ability to perform arbitrary file operations on the targeted system. This means they can read, write, and delete files with the permissions of the malicious web content, resulting in an Elevation of Privilege. Consequently, this could enable an array of malicious activities such as data exfiltration or even remote code execution under certain conditions.

Code Snippet

Below is a high-level snippet of code that demonstrates the exploit technique for the CVE-2023-38187 vulnerability:

// Simulated malicious web content
(async() => {
  // Target file path
  const targetFilePath = "C:\\sensitive\\data.txt";

  // Leverage Microsoft Edge vulnerability to read the target file
  const fileContent = await exploitReadFile(targetFilePath);

  // Further actions with the unauthorized file access
  console.log('File content:', fileContent);
  await exploitWriteFile(targetFilePath, 'Malicious content');
  await exploitDeleteFile(targetFilePath);

// Exploit functions for EoP operations in Edge
function exploitReadFile(filePath) {
  // Exploit code here to use CVE-2023-38187 for reading file

function exploitWriteFile(filePath, content) {
  // Exploit code here to use CVE-2023-38187 for writing file

function exploitDeleteFile(filePath) {
  // Exploit code here to use CVE-2023-38187 for deleting file

Please note that this code snippet is provided for educational purposes only. Unauthorized access to or manipulation of files is against the law, and we do not condone or promote any form of malicious activity.

Original References

The identification, analysis, and disclosure of the CVE-2023-38187 vulnerability can be found in the following primary sources:

1. The official CVE entry and MITRE details: CVE-2023-38187
2. Microsoft's Security Guidance announcement: Microsoft Edge Security Advisory

Mitigation and Remediation

Microsoft has already addressed and fixed the CVE-2023-38187 vulnerability in its latest security update for the Microsoft Edge browser. Users of the affected browser are strongly encouraged to update their software to the latest version as soon as possible to protect against potential exploits.


The CVE-2023-38187 Elevation of Privilege vulnerability in the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge browser serves as a reminder of the importance of keeping software and systems up-to-date. By understanding and identifying vulnerabilities like this one, users can take necessary steps to protect their systems and data from unauthorized access. Stay informed, stay secure!


Published on: 07/21/2023 18:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 08/01/2023 15:35:00 UTC