CVE-2023-38608 - Addressing a Potential Security Breach with App Permissions Checks in macOS Ventura 13.5


In today's world, data privacy and security are of paramount importance. With our increasing reliance on technology and the internet, keeping our sensitive information protected is crucial. In this post, we will be discussing an identified vulnerability dubbed CVE-2023-38608 and how it was resolved in macOS Ventura 13.5. This vulnerability potentially allowed applications to access user-sensitive data without proper consent or authorization.

The Problem: CVE-2023-38608

Earlier this year, a potential security breach known as CVE-2023-38608 was identified in the macOS operating system. This vulnerability indicated that an application, once installed on a user's system, might be able to access sensitive data of the user. This data could include personal information, financial details, or any other information that the user would not wish to share with unauthorized parties.

The Solution: Additional Permissions Checks in macOS Ventura 13.5

Apple, the developer of macOS, took this vulnerability very seriously. They promptly addressed the issue in their latest software update, macOS Ventura 13.5. To resolve this vulnerability, the developers implemented additional permissions checks within the operating system, ensuring that applications could not access user-sensitive information without proper authorization.

Here's a code snippet that demonstrates how the new permissions checks work in macOS Ventura 13.5

func authorizationStatus(for permission: PermissionType) -> AuthorizationStatus {
    // Check the current status of the given permission

    let status = CURRENT_STATUS_METHOD(permission)
    switch status {
        case .authorized: return .authorized
        case .restricted: return .restricted
        case .denied: return .denied
        default: return .notDetermined

func requestAccess(for permission: PermissionType, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool, Error?) -> Void) {
    // Request access to the given permission

    REQUEST_ACCESS_METHOD(permission) { granted, error in
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            completionHandler(granted, error)

The authorizationStatus(for:) function checks the current status of a given permission, while the requestAccess(for:completionHandler:) function ensures that the permissions are requested explicitly from the user before the application is granted access.

For those interested in a deeper understanding of CVE-2023-38608, please refer to the original references:

1. Apple's Official Statement and Update on CVE-2023-38608
2. CVE Database Entry for CVE-2023-38608
3. National Vulnerability Database (NVD) Entry for CVE-2023-38608

Final Thoughts on CVE-2023-38608 and Security

The identification and resolution of CVE-2023-38608 showcase the ongoing dedication to cybersecurity by software developers like Apple. By implementing these additional permissions checks, macOS Ventura 13.5 now ensures that apps cannot access user-sensitive data without proper consent.

We strongly urge all macOS users to update their systems to the latest version to prevent any potential exploitation of this vulnerability. Remember, it is essential to be proactive about maintaining security online and offline and keeping your devices updated with the latest security patches.


Published on: 07/27/2023 01:15:39 UTC
Last modified on: 08/02/2023 22:25:39 UTC