Introduction: The world of cybersecurity is one full of surprises, and we've got some urgent news for PostgreSQL extension developers and administrators alike. A SQL Injection vulnerability has been discovered in the PostgreSQL extension script, which can provide malicious attackers with privileged access to your database. So, it's time to sit up and pay attention, folks!

The issue affects scenarios in which the extension script contains the "@" symbols followed by extowner@, extschema@, or extschema:...@ values inside a quoting construct (such as dollar quoting, '', or ""). In this post, we'll summarize the key details of this vulnerability, providing you with the information you need to stay safe and secure. We'll guide you to the original references and exploit details, as well as sharing a code snippet to illustrate the problem.

Code Snippet

CREATE EXTENSION hstore SCHEMA "@extschema@" VERSION "1." FROM unpackaged;

Vulnerability Overview: CVE-2023-39417 speaks to a serious flaw in PostgreSQL if you're using @extowner@, @extschema@, or @extschema:...@ values inside the extension script's quoting constructs. The problem comes to light when an administrator has installed files from a vulnerable, trusted, non-bundled extension. In such cases, attackers with database-level CREATE privilege can turn this vulnerability to their advantage and execute arbitrary code as the bootstrap superuser. This could lead to the compromise of sensitive data, as well as further exploits depending on the systems involved.

Nitty-Gritty Exploit Details: To dive deeper into the technical aspects of this vulnerability, we recommend visiting the official PostgreSQL website and exploring the original advisory that brought the issue to light. You'll find this at the following link:

Original Advisory Reference

Important Patch Information: If you're concerned that your PostgreSQL environment might come under threat due to this vulnerability, don't worry. The good folks at PostgreSQL have worked tirelessly to develop a patch that plugs this security hole. You can find detailed information on this patch, including any version updates and how to apply it, by following the link below:

Patch Information

As you can see, it's critical that PostgreSQL administrators, developers, and users alike are aware of this vulnerability and take steps to secure their systems by installing the patch. We've provided you with the key information needed to understand the risks posed by CVE-2023-39417 and how to protect your database against potential attackers. Stay vigilant and be sure to keep both your PostgreSQL environment and your knowledge of ongoing security developments up-to-date.

Conclusion: We hope that this comprehensive overview of CVE-2023-39417 has been useful and informative. By understanding the risks and addressing them proactively, you can ensure the safety and security of your PostgreSQL extension scripts and your database environment. Remember - knowledge is power, and by staying informed about potential threats like this one, you can protect yourself from becoming a victim.


Published on: 08/11/2023 13:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 08/18/2023 17:58:00 UTC