A Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability, known as CVE-2023-41160, has been discovered in Usermin 2.001 affecting the SSH configuration tab. This security issue allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML code via the key name field when adding an authorized key. In this post, we will discuss the exploit details, provide code snippets, and offer links to the original references and resources related to this cybersecurity concern.

Exploit Details

Usermin is a widely-used web-based interface for webmail, password changes, mail filters, and many other functions. In Usermin 2.001, the SSH configuration tab, specifically the key name field, is vulnerable to Stored XSS attacks. When adding an authorized key, a remote attacker can inject malicious web scripts or HTML code that will be executed when a victim views the SSH keys.

Upon exploiting this vulnerability, an attacker can potentially steal sensitive information, manipulate web content, or perform malicious actions on the compromised system under the context of the victim user.

To understand the exploitation process, let's take a look at a code snippet that illustrates the injection of a malicious payload into the key name field:

// Malicious payload with script tags to execute an alert
<script>alert("XSS attack")</script>

// Alternatively, you could use other HTML tags with the "on" prefix for event handling
<img src="NOPIC" onerror="alert('XSS attack')">

When a user visits the SSH configuration page, the script containing the XSS payload will be executed.

Mitigation and Remediation

The developers of Usermin have been informed of this vulnerability and have issued a patch addressing the issue in version 2.002 or newer. For existing Usermin users, it is recommended to update to the latest version as soon as possible to prevent potential exploitation by attackers.

Furthermore, Usermin users should consider adopting secure coding practices, such as the ones recommended by OWASP (The Open Web Application Security Project), to reduce the likelihood of being affected by XSS vulnerabilities. These practices include proper input validation, secure output encoding, and using safe web application frameworks.

For details about the vulnerability CVE-2023-41160, please refer to the following resources

- CVE-2023-41160 Official Advisory
- National Vulnerability Database (NIST) Entry
- Usermin Official Website
- OWASP XSS Prevention Cheat Sheet


In summary, the Stored XSS vulnerability, CVE-2023-41160, in the Usermin 2.001 SSH configuration tab poses a significant security risk for users. By injecting malicious web scripts or HTML, remote attackers can exploit this vulnerability for various purposes, such as stealing sensitive information or manipulating web content. To ensure a secure environment, it is crucial for Usermin users to update the application, implement proper secure coding practices, and stay informed about the latest cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities.


Published on: 09/14/2023 21:15:10 UTC
Last modified on: 09/19/2023 18:23:34 UTC