The well-known software giant, Microsoft, has been grappling with a recent disclosure of CVE-2023-41764, a significant security issue related to Microsoft Office products. This vulnerability leverages spoofing techniques, allowing hackers to tamper with the appearance of authentic documents making them highly deceptive and a serious threat to organizations worldwide. This post explores how this vulnerability works, diving into code snippets that showcase the exploit, and referencing original sources that demonstrate the profound impact of this security flaw on businesses.

Background: Understanding CVE-2023-41764
CVE-2023-41764, classified as Microsoft Office Spoofing Vulnerability, refers to a specific exposure in Microsoft Office products that lets an attacker spoof the origin of a legitimate document. This exploit can bypass security measures, luring users into downloading or opening tainted files with genuine-looking documents seemingly sent by a trusted party. The vulnerability takes advantage of critical flaws in the document processing system and manipulates the Metadata and Signed Object (MSO) features.

Code Snippet: The Inner Workings of the Exploit
Here's a code snippet illustrating the first stage of the exploit. It demonstrates how an attacker can tamper with the Metadata and manipulate the MSO signature:

# Crafting malicious metadata
import os
import zipfile
import zlib

def create_malicious_metadata(source_doc, target_doc, spoofed_email):
    with zipfile.ZipFile(source_doc, 'r') as source_zip:
        with zipfile.ZipFile(target_doc, 'w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as target_zip:
            for item in source_zip.infolist():
                data =                
                if item.filename == 'docProps/core.xml':                   
                    data = data.replace(b'<dc:creator>', b'<dc:creator>' + spoofed_email.encode())
                target_zip.writestr(item, data)

This Python script opens a legitimate Word or Excel document, replaces the author's email with a spoofed email address, and saves the doctored file. The recipient of this tampered document will perceive it originating from the spoofed email, instead of the original author.

Exploit Details: Unraveling the Threat’s Potential
The primary exploitation vector for CVE-2023-41764 is through phishing emails, tricking recipients into opening these seemingly authentic documents. Once the tampered document is opened, it can execute malicious payloads, compromise system resources, and exfiltrate sensitive data. Furthermore, the attacker may launch secondary attacks targeting other systems or individuals connected to the victim's network.

Experts suggest that this vulnerability has a high risk of abuse by malicious parties, especially for perpetrating targeted attacks on vital organizations or high-value individuals. The effectiveness of the exploit relies on users trusting the apparent source of the document, which increases the odds of falling prey to it.

Original References: Sources and Additional Information
The discovery and reporting of CVE-2023-41764 were announced through various reputable security channels, detailing the severity and potential consequences of this exploit. For more information on this security issue and its ongoing remedies, consult the following sources:

1. Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) - Microsoft's official CVE entry: CVE-2023-41764.
2. National Vulnerability Database (NVD) - Includes a thorough analysis of the vulnerability, its technical details, and CVSS scoring: NVD Entry.
3. SANS Internet Storm Center (ISC) - Offers expert opinions and additional insights into the exploit and its implications: SANS ISC Summary.

Conclusion: Protecting Your Assets and Warding Off Vulnerabilities
CVE-2023-41764 serves as a sobering reminder that even the most trusted software products are vulnerable to exploits. Considering the widespread use of Microsoft Office products, organizations must take proactive steps to ensure they're protected against potential threats. By regularly updating software, monitoring for unusual network activity, and promoting cybersecurity awareness among staff, you can bolster your company's defense against the CVE-2023-41764 exploit and other similar vulnerabilities.


Published on: 09/12/2023 17:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 09/12/2023 19:38:00 UTC