A recent vulnerability, identified as CVE-2023-42278, has been discovered affecting hutool v5.8.21, a popular Java utility library. The vulnerability originates from the JSONUtil.parse() function and could potentially lead to a buffer overflow, resulting in significant security risks. In this post, we will explore the specifics of this CVE, provide a code snippet demonstrating the issue, reference original sources, and outline the necessary steps required to mitigate the issue.

Vulnerability Details

The buffer overflow vulnerability exists because of improper handling of certain boundary conditions while parsing JSON data using JSONUtil.parse() function. This can cause a buffer to be overwritten, potentially leading to arbitrary code execution or a denial of service (DoS) attack for the affected applications.

Affected Component

The vulnerability affects hutool v5.8.21, specifically the JSONUtil.parse() function.

Code Snippet

Here's an example of how the JSONUtil.parse() function could potentially lead to a buffer overflow issue:

import cn.hutool.json.*;

public class HutoolVulnerability {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String jsonData = "{ \"firstName\": \"John\", \"lastName\": \"Doe\" * 1024 }"; // JSON data, potentially crafted to exploit the vulnerability

    JSONObject jsonObject = JSONUtil.parseObj(jsonData);
    System.out.println("Parsed JSON: " + jsonObject);

Above, the jsonData variable contains a JSON string that might be crafted to cause a buffer overflow. The call to JSONUtil.parseObj() function with jsonData as input can lead to the buffer overflow issue.

For more information about the vulnerability, original references and sources can be consulted at

Hutool GitHub Repository: https://github.com/looly/hutool

JSONUtil.parse() in the Hutool Documentation: https://hutool.cn/docs/#/?id=JSONUtilparse()

National Vulnerability Database (NVD) Entry: https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2023-42278

Exploit Details

Exploiting this vulnerability would require an attacker to craft a JSON payload that takes advantage of the buffer overflow issue. The attacker could then send the malicious payload to a vulnerable application using hutool v5.8.21. If successful, the attacker could gain unauthorized access, execute arbitrary code, or cause a denial of service for the application.

To mitigate the CVE-2023-42278 vulnerability, follow these steps

1. Update to the latest version of hutool, which contains a patch addressing this issue. The latest version can be found at the hutool GitHub repository: https://github.com/looly/hutool

2. Thoroughly review and sanitize any JSON input to your application to help prevent potential malicious payloads from exploiting the vulnerability.

3. Regularly monitor and apply security updates and patches for all software libraries and components used in your application to ensure they remain up-to-date and protected against known vulnerabilities.


In summary, CVE-2023-42278 represents a serious vulnerability affecting hutool v5.8.21 and the JSONUtil.parse() function. By following the provided mitigation steps and diligently applying security updates, developers can protect their applications from exploitation and minimize the risks associated with this vulnerability.


Published on: 09/08/2023 22:15:12 UTC
Last modified on: 09/13/2023 00:29:44 UTC