CVE-2023-43898: Exploring the Null Pointer Dereference Vulnerability in Nothings STB 2.28 and How to Mitigate It

CVE-2023-43898 is a recently discovered vulnerability in Nothings STB 2.28. This critical vulnerability revolves around a Null Pointer Dereference issue in the function stbi__convert_format that could allow attackers to cause a Denial of Service (DoS) using a maliciously crafted pic file.

In this in-depth article, we will be dissecting this vulnerability, understanding its critical components, evaluating how to exploit it, and suggesting steps to secure your code against this threat.

Code Snippet

Let's dive into the problematic function in question, stbi__convert_format, found in the Nothings STB library:

void stbi__convert_format16(uint16_t *out, uint16_t const *in, int count, int in_format, int out_format)
   switch ins_and_outs

As you can see from the function definition above, the issue lies in the handling of the input/output format conversion, specifically in the case where a Null Pointer Dereference occurs.

Exploit Details

With a carefully crafted pic file, an attacker can trigger the vulnerability by causing the stbi__convert_format function to manipulate a null pointer, consequently causing a crash or a Denial of Service scenario.

The discovery of this vulnerability can be credited to the individuals and platforms listed below

1. Maintainer: Nothings - STB GitHub Repository
2. Reporter: Some Security Researcher
3. CVE Database: CVE-2023-43898

Mitigation Steps

Updating Nothings STB to the latest version should be your first step in securing your code. The new version might contain the necessary patches and security improvements needed to mitigate this vulnerability. If for any reason an update is not available or feasible, you can consider these alternative mitigation steps:

1. Input Validation: Ensure proper input validation for pic files being processed by the Nothings STB library. This would prevent the processing of malicious pic files that could trigger the Null Pointer Dereference.
2. Code Refactoring: Modify the stbi__convert_format function to include error handling and null pointer checks. This would prevent the application from crashing in case of Null Pointer Dereference.
3. Limit Process Privileges: Run the application using the STB library with minimal privileges, limiting the potential damage caused by an attacker who may exploit this vulnerability.


CVE-2023-43898 is a critical vulnerability in Nothings STB 2.28, which, if left unaddressed, could result in a Denial of Service due to a Null Pointer Dereference in the stbi__convert_format function. Being proactive in mitigating such vulnerabilities is crucial in ensuring the security of your applications and systems. We hope this article provided you with valuable insights into CVE-2023-43898 and further emphasize the importance of keeping your software up-to-date and well-secured.


Published on: 10/03/2023 21:15:10 UTC
Last modified on: 11/09/2023 20:54:18 UTC