Understanding the Risks Associated with CVE-2023-46158: A Vulnerability in IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty

With the rapid advancement in technology, it becomes vital for individual users and organizations to stay vigilant and aware of the vulnerabilities that could affect their systems and applications. In this post, we will delve deep into the details of one such vulnerability, known as CVE-2023-46158, in the IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty.

CVE-2023-46158 is classified under the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures, which provides a standardized set of identifiers for publicly known cybersecurity issues. This vulnerability was discovered in the IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty, versions 23...9 to 23...10. IBM X-Force ID for this issue is 268775, and it is categorized under improper resource expiration handling, leading to weaker-than-expected security.

It is important to understand this vulnerability's implications and what steps can be taken to safeguard affected systems and applications.

Understanding CVE-2023-46158

IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty provides an environment for applications to run on the Java platform, including Java EE (Enterprise Edition) applications. The vulnerability in question, CVE-2023-46158, is present in versions 23...9 through 23...10, and it exposes the affected systems and applications to security risks due to improper handling of resource expiration.

The improper resource expiration handling flaw can lead to possible unauthorized access to protected resources. An attacker who exploits this vulnerability can potentially bypass the security measures put in place, leading to unauthorized access, data theft, and other malicious activities.

To further understand the technical aspects of CVE-2023-46158, let's explore some code snippets and relevant details.

Code Snippet showcasing the vulnerability

The following code snippet represents a simplified example of how the improper resource expiration handling can lead to the vulnerability. Note that this snippet only serves as an illustration and does not represent the actual code within the affected software.

public class ResourceExpiration {
    private static final Map<String, CachedResource> resourceCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    public static synchronized Resource getResource(String resourceID) {
        CachedResource cachedResource = resourceCache.get(resourceID);

        if (cachedResource != null) {
            if (!isExpired(cachedResource)) {
                return cachedResource.getResource();
            } else {

        Resource newResource = fetchResource(resourceID);
        cachedResource = new CachedResource(newResource);
        resourceCache.put(resourceID, cachedResource);
        return newResource;

    private static boolean isExpired(CachedResource cachedResource) {
        // Simplified expiration check logic
        return System.currentTimeMillis() > cachedResource.getExpirationTimestamp();

    // Other methods and classes

In this example, cached resources are managed within the resourceCache map. When a request for a protected resource is made, the system checks whether the resource is available in the cache and if it is expired or not. If the resource is not expired, the system returns it. If the resource is expired, the system removes it from the cache and fetches the resource again before returning.

The problem with the above code is how the expiration check is performed using isExpired(). In the current form, the logic can lead to a race condition that could potentially allow unauthorized access to protected resources.

- CVE-2023-46158: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2023-46158

- IBM X-Force ID: 268775: https://exchange.xforce.ibmcloud.com/vulnerabilities/268775

Mitigating the Effects of CVE-2023-46158

IBM has released a patch addressing the CVE-2023-46158 vulnerability within the IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty. The patch is available for versions 23...9 and 23...10 and can be downloaded from the following link:

- IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/6521269

It is crucial to update affected systems with the latest patch to ensure optimal security against potential attacks exploiting this vulnerability.


Implementing proper security protocols and staying informed about new vulnerabilities is essential for organizations and individual users. CVE-2023-46158 serves as an important reminder to remain vigilant and take necessary steps to protect your systems and applications. By applying the provided patch and staying up-to-date on vulnerability news, you can greatly minimize your risk and better safeguard your valuable data and resources.


Published on: 10/25/2023 18:17:37 UTC
Last modified on: 11/01/2023 16:58:15 UTC