A recently discovered vulnerability, CVE-2023-48280, exposes a Missing Authorization issue in the software package Consensu.IO, which may lead to potential exploits by malicious actors. As a solution developed to streamline and track agreements involving sensitive data, Consensu.IO's vulnerability to Missing Authorization is of significant concern. The vulnerability specifically affects Consensu.IO versions up to (and including) 1..1.

In this long-read post, we'll delve into the specifics of this CVE-2023-48280 vulnerability, including exploit details, code snippets, and links to original references. We'll also outline potential mitigations, hoping to provide users with crucial information to secure their usage of Consensu.IO.

Vulnerability Details

The Missing Authorization vulnerability in Consensu.IO allows unauthorized users to access sensitive data and perform critical operations, bypassing the required proper authentication. As a result, this vulnerability can lead to unauthorized access to users' data and potentially malicious actions by threat actors.

When successfully exploited, attackers can retrieve sensitive information (e.g., agreements, users' details) and initiate unauthorized operations such as modifying or deleting data associated with Consensu.IO.

A sample API request that demonstrates the vulnerability is as follows

GET /api/agreements/{agreementId} HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Connection: close
Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*

In this request, swapping out "{agreementId}" with a valid agreement identifier grants unauthorized access to the specified user's sensitive agreements without verifying whether the requester is authenticated.

Exploit Details

An attacker could potentially exploit this Missing Authorization vulnerability by carefully crafting and sending HTTP requests to the Consensu.IO instance's API endpoints. By iterating through available agreement IDs or performing brute-force attempts, the attacker can gain unauthorized access to other users' sensitive data.

Once the attacker gains access to a user's information, they may exploit this information for personal gains or engage in malicious activities within the environment. This could include data exfiltration, accounts takeover, unauthorized data modification, or even data deletion, causing reputational and financial harm to the affected users.

Original References

- National Vulnerability Database (NVD)
- Consensu.IO GitHub Repository
- CVE Mitre Entry

Potential Mitigations

To mitigate this Missing Authorization vulnerability in Consensu.IO, users are strongly advised to take the following preventative measures:

1. Update to the latest version: Ensure that your Consensu.IO software is updated to the most recent version, which may have fixed the vulnerability.
2. Implement proper authentication: Apply proper authentication mechanisms to your Consensu.IO instance, such as adding bearer tokens with access policies or implementing OAuth2.
3. Limit API access: Restrict API access only to trusted users, devices, or networks based on IP address, MAC address, or other security parameters.
4. Monitor and log activity: Regularly review logs and monitor activities related to Consensu.IO usage to detect any unusual behavior or unauthorized access attempts.
5. Get involved in the community: Keep yourself informed of the latest updates, patches, and best practices related to Consensu.IO by participating in forums, mailing lists, or social media platforms dedicated to the software.


CVE-2023-48280 reveals a critical Missing Authorization vulnerability in Consensu.IO that affects versions up to and including 1..1. This vulnerability can lead to unauthorized access to sensitive data and potentially malicious activities by threat actors. To protect yourself against this vulnerability, follow the mitigations outlined above, and stay updated on the latest information related to Consensu.IO security best practices.


Published on: 06/12/2024 10:15:28 UTC
Last modified on: 06/13/2024 18:36:09 UTC