CVE-2023-5129 — Rejected Due to Duplication of CVE-2023-4863: Analyzing the Exploit Details, Code Snippets, and Original References

After recent investigations into CVE-2023-5129, it has been determined that the CVE ID has been rejected or withdrawn by the CVE Numbering Authority due to its duplicative nature. The exploit is now classified as a duplicate of CVE-2023-4863, which will be discussed in further detail in this post. We will also explore the vulnerability's background, nature of the exploit, its impact, and possible mitigation techniques.

CVE Background and Reason for Rejection

CVE, or the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures system, is a globally recognized method used to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in computer systems. These unique CVE IDs are assigned to security vulnerabilities and aids in consistent and clear communication among parties when addressing or discussing specific vulnerabilities.

When the same vulnerability is mistakenly assigned more than one CVE ID, the CVE Numbering Authority (CNA) may reject or withdraw the duplicate IDs, as in the case of CVE-2023-5129. This prevents confusion and ensures an organized system for discussing and addressing vulnerabilities. The reason for the withdrawal-regarding CVE-2023-5129 is that it pertains to the same exploit as CVE-2023-4863.

CVE-2023-4863 Exploit Details

Based on the analysis conducted, the exploitation of the vulnerability CVE-2023-4863 lies primarily in a buffer overflow bug found within the targeted software's function. This often allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code, potentially leading to the compromised integrity of the system.

For more comprehensive information regarding CVE-2023-4863, please refer to the official CVE entry on MITRE's website [link to MITRE's CVE-2023-4863 page] and the NIST National Vulnerability Database (NVD) page [link to NVD's CVE-2023-4863 page] for details, metrics, and potential impact on the affected systems.

Code Snippet

The following sample code reveals an example of the flawed function that may have led to the buffer overflow and, consequently, the vulnerability:

void vulnerable_function(char * user_input) {
    char buffer[128]; // Fixed buffer size
    strcpy(buffer, user_input); // Unsafe copy of user input

In the code snippet above, the allocated buffer size is insufficient, allowing uncontrolled data to overflow the buffer. This creates the potential for an attacker to manipulate the program control flow and execute arbitrary code.

To protect your systems against this exploit, you can implement various mitigation strategies

1. Apply patches to the compromised software by regularly checking for updates and ensuring that all applications are up to date.

2. Utilize secure coding practices to avoid buffer overflow vulnerabilities in software development, such as the use of safe string functions (i.e., strncpy() instead of strcpy()).

3. Employ runtime defense mechanisms, including Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) and Data Execution Prevention (DEP), to make it more difficult for attackers to execute arbitrary code.


CVE-2023-5129 has been declared a duplicate of CVE-2023-4863 as they refer to the same vulnerability. By understanding the details associated with CVE-2023-4863, including the original code vulnerability and impact, stakeholders can better prepare for and protect against potential exploits. As always, vigilance, proactive system maintenance, and staying informed about the latest cybersecurity news are key components of safeguarding against cyber threats.


Published on: 09/25/2023 21:15:16 UTC
Last modified on: 11/07/2023 04:23:29 UTC