A recently discovered vulnerability, classified as problematic and identified as CVE-2023-5329, affects Field Logic's DataCube4 software versions up to 20231001. This vulnerability is specifically present in an unknown portion of the code within the /api/ file of the Web API component. Exploiting this vulnerability can result in improper authentication and unauthorized access. The vulnerability has been publicly disclosed, and threat actors are likely to exploit it. It has been assigned the identifier VDB-241030.


The improper authentication vulnerability found in Field Logic DataCube4's Web API component can be exploited through manipulative techniques. To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker requires minimal access and privileges to the target system. The attacker can initially probe the Web API component and then manipulate the authentication mechanism to bypass security measures and gain unauthorized access to the system.

Code Snippet

This code snippet demonstrates a possible way to bypass authentication by exploiting the CVE-2023-5329 vulnerability in the Field Logic DataCube4 Web API:

import requests

url = 'http://target.url/api/';
data = {
    'auth_token': '',        # Empty authentication token
    'action': 'sensitive_data_request'

response = requests.post(url, data=data)
if response.status_code == 200:
    print('Authentication Bypass Successful!')
    # Insert exploit code for unauthorized access here
    print('Exploit Failed.')

The above code snippet shows how an attacker can potentially use an empty authentication token to exploit the vulnerability and bypass the authentication mechanism in Field Logic DataCube4 Web API.

Original References

1. CVE-2023-5329/details - Official CVE details page from MITRE.
2. VDB-241030 - The vulnerability identifier page that provides additional information and links related to this vulnerability.

Exploit Details

Since this vulnerability has been disclosed to the public, it is necessary for users, administrators, and developers to be aware of CVE-2023-5329 and take appropriate security measures. Possible actions to mitigate the risk of exploitation may include:

Updating the Field Logic DataCube4 software to the latest version that fixes the vulnerability.

2. Enforcing a strong authentication process by validating user inputs thoroughly and implementing multi-factor authentication.

Regularly monitoring access logs for any suspicious activities and unauthorized access attempts.

4. Using the principle of least privilege, ensuring users and applications have only the necessary permissions and privileges needed to function.


CVE-2023-5329 is a serious vulnerability found in Field Logic DataCube4's Web API component that can lead to improper authentication and unauthorized access. Administrators and users must be vigilant about keeping their systems up to date, employing strong authentication processes, and regularly monitoring for potential threats. The exploit has been publicly disclosed, and threat actors may exploit it, so immediate action is necessary to protect systems and sensitive data from unauthorized access.


Published on: 10/02/2023 00:15:10 UTC
Last modified on: 11/07/2023 04:23:54 UTC