In the modern era of software development and automation, Ansible has emerged as a popular platform for automating various tasks and streamlining the deployment of applications and middleware. Recently, security researchers have identified a significant flaw in the Ansible automation platform that could potentially endanger the confidentiality and integrity of system data. This vulnerability has been assigned the identifier CVE-2024-1657.

Overview of the vulnerability

The ansible flaw lies within the insecure WebSocket connection being established during the installation from the Ansible rulebook EDA server. Consequently, any attacker who manages to gain access to a machine within the CIDR block could easily download the entire rulebook data from this WebSocket. This poses a major threat to the security of the system as it compromises both, confidentiality and integrity.

Exploit details

The vulnerability exposes rulebook data that contains sensitive information, like login credentials and system configuration settings which an attacker could exploit to gain unauthorized access and potentially cause further damage to the system. To better understand the exploit, let's analyze the following code snippet:

from ansible.playbook import PlayBook
from ansible.inventory import Inventory
from ansible import callbacks
from ansible import utils

inventory = """

%s ansible_ssh_user=%s ansible_ssh_private_key=%s

playbook = """
%s: install\n
ansible_managed: /tmp/rulebook.txt

server_ip = ''
user = 'user'
key = '/path/to/private/key'

ws = create_connection("ws://%s:808/websocket" % server_ip)
result = ws.recv()
print("Server received: %s" % result)

inventory = inventory % (server_ip, user, key)
playbook = playbook % (server_ip)

In the given code snippet, a WebSocket connection is created using the "create_connection" function. The payload and the insecure connection method make it vulnerable to attacks.

1. Secure the WebSocket: Start by using a secure WebSocket connection (wss://) instead of an insecure connection (ws://). This ensures that data transferred between the client and the server remains encrypted and protected from eavesdropping.

2. Update Ansible: Keep your Ansible platform updated and always ensure you are using the latest version, which incorporates fixes for any known vulnerabilities.

3. Network segmentation: Implement proper network segmentation as this limits the impact of a breach, ensuring that even if an attacker gains access to a machine within the CIDR block, they won't be able to access other parts of the network.

4. Regularly audit systems: Perform regular audits of systems that use Ansible to ensure conformity with the current security requirements.

Original references

For further reading and understanding of the vulnerability and exploit, the following resources and references can be referred to:

- The National Vulnerability Database entry for CVE-2024-1657:

- Official Ansible documentation on securing the platform:

- Whitepaper on securing Ansible deployments:


CVE-2024-1657 is a critical flaw that compromises the confidentiality and integrity of systems that use Ansible. As an organization employing the Ansible automation platform, it is crucial to follow the necessary precautions and security measures listed in this article. Keeping your platform secure and updated, using secure communication methods, and regularly auditing your systems will protect your rulebook data and maintain the overall security of your systems.


Published on: 04/25/2024 17:15:48 UTC
Last modified on: 06/12/2024 19:57:40 UTC