In the ever-changing world of cyber threats, a security researcher recently discovered a new vulnerability in the Windows HTML Platform, dubbed as CVE-2024-20652. This vulnerability is a security feature bypass that allows attackers to run malicious code on the victim's device by exploiting weaknesses in Windows HTML platform. In this long-read post, we will explore this vulnerability in depth, including code snippets, links to original references, and exploit details.


CVE-2024-20652 is a security feature bypass vulnerability that affects Windows HTML platforms in versions 8, 8.1, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13. The vulnerability exists due to an improper implementation of the sandbox attribute in Internet Explorer and other browsers that use the Windows HTML platform. A sandbox attribute is designed to prevent scripts from executing in certain areas of a web page, effectively limiting potential attacks. However, due to the improper implementation, attackers can bypass the sandbox and run malicious code on the user's device.

For a comprehensive list of affected products and versions, please refer to the official CVE reference:
- NIST National Vulnerability Database

Proof of Concept

The following code snippet demonstrates how an attacker can leverage the vulnerability to run a malicious script despite the presence of the sandbox attribute:

<!doctype html>
<title>CVE-2024-20652 - Proof of Concept</title>
<iframe sandbox="allow-scripts" srcdoc="
<!doctype html><html><head><title>Test Page</title></head>
<body><script>/* MALICIOUS CODE HERE */</script></body></html>

Here, it should be noted that despite the presence of 'sandbox="allow-scripts"', the malicious code contained within the nested HTML is still being executed.

Exploit details

The following step-by-step guide outlines how an attacker could exploit the CVE-2024-20652 vulnerability:

1. Identify a target web application that uses Windows HTML Platform and is vulnerable to CVE-2024-20652.
2. Craft a malicious payload that would function as an undetectable script, such as a keylogger, remote access tool, or ransomware.
3. Generate a custom web page (as shown in the Proof of Concept code snippet above) that embeds the malicious payload within an 'iframe' element.
4. Utilize a social engineering campaign, such as phishing or spear-phishing, to deliver the crafted web page to a potential victim.
5. Upon the victim opening the malicious page, the malicious payload is executed, and the attacker gains a foothold within the compromised device.

Apply the latest security updates provided by Microsoft for Windows and Windows HTML Platform.

2. Limit the use of Internet Explorer and other vulnerable browsers in favor of more secure and modern browsers like Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox.
3. Configure web browsers to block scripts from untrusted sources by using script-blocking plugins like NoScript.
4. Educate users about the risks of phishing and spear-phishing attacks and enforce a strong security culture within the organization.


CVE-2024-20652 is a critical vulnerability affecting the Windows HTML Platform. By exploiting this vulnerability, attackers can bypass security features and execute malicious code on the victim's device. Staying informed about such threats and adopting strong cybersecurity measures can play a significant role in mitigating risks and protecting systems from being compromised.


Published on: 01/09/2024 18:15:47 UTC
Last modified on: 04/11/2024 20:15:10 UTC