In recent years, we have witnessed numerous attacks on computer systems exploiting software and hardware vulnerabilities. Concerning the ongoing threat landscape, a new, critical security vulnerability has been identified and assigned the CVE-2024-20669. It affects the Secure Boot mechanism, which is responsible for ensuring authenticity and integrity of the code executed during a system's boot process. In this post, we will delve deep into this vulnerability, its exploit details, code snippets, and original references. Moreover, we will provide practical solutions to combat this vulnerability too.

What is Secure Boot?

Secure Boot is a security feature in modern devices (like PCs, tablets, smartphones, etc.), designed to protect the system from unauthorized or malicious code during the boot process. It is a component of the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) implementations. Secure Boot operates by validating and verifying the digital signatures of the boot loaders, drivers, and other essential pre-operating elements before allowing them to run. If a malicious component is detected, Secure Boot prevents it from being executed, effectively thwarting the attack.

UEFI Specification

CVE-2024-20669: The Vulnerability Details

CVE-2024-20669 is a security vulnerability that enables attackers to bypass the Secure Boot mechanism. This flaw permits cybercriminals to inject arbitrary code during the boot process, potentially enabling complete access to the targeted system. Once exploited, attackers could potentially launch attacks like distribution of malware, data exfiltration or system tampering.

To get a thorough understanding of this vulnerability, here is the link to the original CVE reference:

Exploit Details

The exploit of CVE-2024-20669 involves the attacker tricking the Secure Boot feature into validating a tampered or malicious bootloader, as if it were legitimate. This is achieved by exploiting a flaw in the bootloader signature verification process.

The following code snippet demonstrates a simplified version of a vulnerable bootloader signature verification function:

#define BUFFER_SIZE 256

int verify_signature(unsigned char *bootloader_data, int bootloader_size) {
    unsigned char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
    int n;

    //... Signature verification code ...
    if (bootloader_size > BUFFER_SIZE) {
        n = bootloader_size % BUFFER_SIZE;
        memcpy(buffer, bootloader_data + bootloader_size - n, n);
    //... More signature verification code ...

    return 1;

The vulnerability in the code snippet lies within the 'if' block. When the bootloader size exceeds the buffer size, the excess part is copied into the buffer for signature verification. This might lead to a scenario when an attacker designs a malicious bootloader intentionally having the size larger than the BUFFER_SIZE. Consequently, it will cause signature verification for just a part of bootloader_data, effectively enabling attackers to bypass the Secure Boot protection.

To counteract this vulnerability, device manufacturers and users should take the following steps

1. Firmware Update: Reach out to the device manufacturers for possible security updates addressing this vulnerability. Up-to-date firmware is essential to ensure security patches are in place.

2. Code Auditing and Security Testing: If you are a bootloader developer or OEM, it is crucial to perform rigorous code reviews to check for possible vulnerabilities. In addition, employing security testing methodologies like fuzzing and penetration testing can help in identifying flaws.

3. Secure Boot Customization: One can also implement custom Secure Boot policies with additional checks and controls in line with their organization's security requirements. Research and customization can significantly strengthen the overall security posture of any environment.

In summary, the CVE-2024-20669 vulnerability allows attackers to bypass Secure Boot, compromising the operating system startup process and system integrity. However, timely firmware updates, rigorous code auditing, and security testing, as well as implementation of custom policies, can appropriately mitigate this security risk and ensure a safer computing environment.


Published on: 04/09/2024 17:15:32 UTC
Last modified on: 04/10/2024 13:24:22 UTC