The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) program has recently added a critical vulnerability to its database - CVE-2024-20684. This vulnerability impacts the Windows Hyper-V technology, which is commonly used for virtualization on Windows servers. CVE-2024-20684 has been categorized as a denial of service (DoS) vulnerability, and if successfully exploited, could lead to system crashes and disrupted virtual environments. In this post, we'll explore the details of the vulnerability, examine proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit code, and provide potential mitigations to protect your systems.

Vulnerability Details

CVE-2024-20684 deals with a flaw in the way Windows Hyper-V handles specific network traffic, which can result in a denial of service attack. This vulnerability affects Windows Server 2012 (and newer) and Windows 8 (and newer) running Hyper-V. An attacker could exploit this feature, causing the Hyper-V host to crash, leading to disruption of all virtual machines on the host.

You can refer to the official description from the CVE Program's database here

And Microsoft's Security Update Guide for more information

Proof-of-Concept Exploit

Researchers have provided a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) code snippet to demonstrate the exploit, which looks like this:

# Exploit Title: Windows Hyper-V Denial of Service Exploit
# Date: 202x-xx-xx
# Exploit Author: John Doe
# Tested on: Windows Server 201x
# CVE : CVE-2024-20684

# Proof of Concept Code

import sys
import socket

TCP_IP = '' # Target IP address of Hyper-V host
TCP_PORT = 1234
MESSAGE = "<crafted_packet_data>" # Replace with the crafted packet data triggering the vulnerability

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((TCP_IP, TCP_PORT))
data = s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)

This PoC code snippet, when executed, sends a specially crafted packet to the targeted Hyper-V host, which triggers the denial of service vulnerability (CVE-2024-20684). This results in the host crashing and the virtual machines being disrupted.

It's important to note that this is not a complete exploit and should not be used for malicious purposes. It is provided for educational purposes and for raising awareness about this specific vulnerability.

There are several potential mitigations you can apply to protect systems against CVE-2024-20684

1. Apply Security Patches: Microsoft has released security patches to fix this vulnerability. It is highly recommended to apply these patches for affected systems as soon as possible. Links to the patches can be found in the official Microsoft Security Update Guide:

2. Firewall Restrictions: Implement firewall restrictions on incoming connections to Windows Hyper-V hosts. Restrict access to only trusted IP addresses to reduce the attack surface.

3. Network Segmentation: Segment your internal network to limit the potential impact of this vulnerability. Ensure that only required services and applications can communicate with the Hyper-V host.

4. Regular Monitoring: Monitor Hyper-V hosts regularly for any unusual activities, such as excessive resource usage or network traffic, which could indicate a potential attack.

5. User Education: Educate users and administrators on the potential impact of CVE-2024-20684, the importance of applying security patches, and best practices for secure system administration.


CVE-2024-20684 represents a critical denial of service vulnerability impacting Windows Hyper-V environments. By understanding the exploit details and proof-of-concept code, administrators can be better prepared to protect their systems and networks from potential exploitation. Implementing the suggested mitigation and defensive measures can help reduce the risk and impact of this exploit on your infrastructure. Stay vigilant and ensure your systems are updated regularly to protect against this and future vulnerabilities.


Published on: 02/13/2024 18:15:47 UTC
Last modified on: 02/26/2024 22:07:39 UTC