Heureka Group, a prominent technology provider, has been hit by a severe security vulnerability affecting its Heureka platform. The vulnerability, dubbed CVE-2024-25931, is a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) exploit that puts users at risk of having their data compromised and accounts hijacked. This issue affects Heureka versions unspecified to 1..8. In this post, we will delve into the specifics of the vulnerability, provide a sample code snippet, link to original references, and discuss potential exploits associated with this flaw.

Vulnerability Details

The security vulnerability (CVE-2024-25931) involves a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attack on the Heureka platform. CSRF is a type of web application vulnerability where an attacker tricks a user into executing malicious requests on their behalf. In this case, the Heureka platform failed to implement sufficient defenses against CSRF, exposing users to potential data theft and account takeover.

Affected Versions

The issue affects Heureka Platform version n/a through 1..8.

To demonstrate the vulnerability, here is a simple code snippet that exploits the CSRF flaw

<!-- CSRF exploit code -->
    <form action="https://example.com/heureka/critical_function"; method="POST">
      <input type="hidden" name="csrfToken" value="attackerCSRFToken" />
      <input type="hidden" name="criticalData" value="attackerControlledData" />
      <input type="submit" value="Click me!" />

In this example, the attacker has crafted a malicious form that sends POST data to the Heureka platform's critical_function. When an unsuspecting user clicks the "Click me!" button, their browser submits the malicious data to the application, carrying out the attacker's intended action without the user's consent.

For detailed information about this vulnerability, please refer to the following resources

1. CVE-2024-25931 Official Listing
2. Heureka Group Security Advisory

Exploit Details

An attacker can take advantage of this CSRF vulnerability in various ways, including but not limited to:

Stealing a user's sensitive data, such as personal or financial information.

2. Performing account takeover by changing the victim's account settings, such as email addresses or passwords.
3. Initiating unauthorized actions within the Heureka platform, such as creating, modifying, or deleting content.

To mitigate the risks associated with this vulnerability, Heureka platform users should immediately apply any available security updates or patches. It is also essential to employ robust defense mechanisms, such as using CSRF tokens and implementing proper content security policies and user authentication best practices.


The discovery of CVE-2024-25931 exposes a severe security flaw in the Heureka Group's Heureka platform. By understanding and addressing such vulnerabilities, both developers and users can better protect their data and maintain a secure online presence.


Published on: 02/29/2024 01:44:17 UTC
Last modified on: 02/29/2024 13:49:29 UTC