Hello and welcome to an exciting discussion about a recently discovered security vulnerability in Firefox ESR and Thunderbird, identified as CVE-2024-2616. In this post, we will take a deep dive into the details of this vulnerability, including a code snippet, the exploit details, and the preventive measures put in place to harden ICU against exploitation. As always, our aim is to present the content using simple American language, exclusive to our readers. Let's get started!

CVE-2024-2616: The Vulnerability

First, we need to understand the vulnerability itself. CVE-2024-2616 is a security vulnerability that potentially affects the International Components for Unicode (ICU) within Firefox ESR versions less than 115.9 and Thunderbird versions less than 115.9. ICU is an open-source project that provides a set of reliable Unicode functions and is used by many applications, including Firefox and Thunderbird, for text handling, character set conversions, and more. The vulnerability is due to the improper handling of out-of-memory conditions, which could potentially be exploited by an attacker to cause a denial-of-service or possibly execute arbitrary code.

Original References

For detailed technical information about this vulnerability, including the in-depth analysis that led to its discovery, you may refer to the following links:

1. The CVE Details page: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-2616
2. The Mozilla Foundation Security Advisory: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/security/advisories/mfsa2024-23/

Code Snippet

To give you a clearer picture of the issue, here's a simple code snippet that demonstrates an out-of-memory condition in the original vulnerable ICU code:

u_nextGeneration(DynamicCharacterIterator* dci, UErrorCode *status) {
    if (U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
        // The following line could return NULL due to an out-of-memory condition
        UnicodeString* str = new UnicodeString();

This example shows a scenario where a new UnicodeString is hoisted up, but due to out-of-memory conditions, the allocation may fail, thus returning a NULL pointer. This NULL pointer is then used in subsequent operations, which could lead to potential exploitation.

Exploit Details

Now that we understand the vulnerability and have seen a simple code snippet, let's dive into the potential exploitation scenario. Specifically, an attacker could trigger an out-of-memory condition, which causes the ICU code to improperly handle the NULL pointer. This could potentially lead to a denial-of-service or even the execution of arbitrary code on the affected system. It is worth noting that, while the exact conditions required for such an exploit are deemed quite rare, it is still a security risk that must be addressed.

Hardening ICU Against Exploitation

In order to protect Firefox ESR and Thunderbird from this vulnerability, the Mozilla team has made changes to the ICU code to ensure that out-of-memory conditions result in a crash instead of an attempt to continue executing, thus effectively guarding against any possible exploitation. This change resulted in the release of Firefox ESR 115.9 and Thunderbird 115.9, which are no longer susceptible to this vulnerability.


CVE-2024-2616 is an important security vulnerability that could potentially affect Firefox ESR and Thunderbird users. By understanding the vulnerability, identifying the exploit, and implementing the necessary security measures, Mozilla has successfully mitigated the risk, ensuring that users can continue to rely on these popular applications for their everyday activities without fear of exploitation. We highly encourage you to update your Firefox ESR and Thunderbird to the latest versions, as they are now equipped with a hardened ICU code, effectively protecting you against any potential risks posed by this vulnerability.


Published on: 03/19/2024 12:15:09 UTC
Last modified on: 03/25/2024 17:15:52 UTC