With the ever-increasing dependence on technology, cybersecurity has become an area of great concern worldwide. One of the most vulnerable and widely used operating systems is Microsoft Windows. Recently, a Windows vulnerability with the code CVE-2024-26172 has been identified. This vulnerability exists in the Desktop Window Manager (DWM) core library that may lead to an information disclosure. This disclosure, in turn, exposes sensitive user data, which can potentially be exploited by attackers.

In this post, we will dive deep into the various aspects of this vulnerability, discuss the code snippet, explain the exploit details, and provide links to the original references, so that the reader has a complete understanding of the nature and impact of this vulnerability.

Understanding the DWM Core Library

The DWM Core library is an integral part of the Windows operating system responsible for rendering the desktop and managing visual effects like transparency, animations, and dynamic windows. In simpler terms, it is the engine behind the graphical user interface that you see on your screen.

This library uses Microsoft's DirectX graphics infrastructure to efficiently render the desktop and its contents. A critical information disclosure vulnerability exists when the DWM Core Library does not properly handle objects in memory.

The Code Snippet

A simple yet effective way to demonstrate this vulnerability is by executing a PowerShell script that triggers the information disclosure. Here is a code snippet that reproduces the issue on a vulnerable system:

#The following PowerShell code snippet may lead to information disclosure when executed on a system with the vulnerability.

$Object = New-Object -TypeName System.__ComObject

ExceptionHandler = {
 Write-Error "Error Code: $($errorCode)"
Add-Type @"
 using System;
 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
 public class DWM
   [DllImport("dwmapi.dll", EntryPoint = "DwmGetColorizationColor", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
   public static extern int DwmGetColorizationColor(out uint pcrColorization, ref bool pfOpaqueBlend);
$dwm = New-Object DWM
$ColorizationColor = 
$OpaqueBlend = $false

 $errorCode = $dvm.DwmGetColorizationColor([ref]$ColorizationColor, [ref]$OpaqueBlend)

Write-Output "Colorization Color: $ColorizationColor"
Write-Output "Opaque Blend: $OpaqueBlend"

This code snippet is aimed at retrieving the current colorization color and the opacity blend of the window. However, due to the Windows DWM Core Library vulnerability, executing this script on a vulnerable system could lead to unintended information disclosure.

Exploit Details

The exploit is triggered when an attacker gains access to a vulnerable machine and uses the vulnerability to gather crucial information about the system. This information can then be used to further compromise the system by gaining unauthorized access, bypassing security measures, or launching subsequent attacks.

Considering the widespread use of Microsoft Windows and the critical role DWM Core Library plays, any vulnerability in it can have significant consequences. This vulnerability, identified as CVE-2024-26172, has the potential to leak sensitive user data and give malicious actors unauthorized access to the machine, ultimately leading to a loss of privacy and control over the device.

Original References & Further Reading

The following links provide additional context to the CVE-2024-26172 vulnerability, including its origin, scope, timeline, and official acknowledgment from Microsoft:

- https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-26172 (Official CVE Record)
- https://portal.msrc.microsoft.com/en-US/security-guidance/advisory/CVE-2024-26172 (Microsoft Security Response Center)


In conclusion, it is essential to understand and address the CVE-2024-26172 Windows DWM Core Library vulnerability to prevent attackers from exploiting sensitive information and compromising system security. We encourage readers to leverage the knowledge shared in this post, follow the original references for updates, and take the necessary steps to mitigate this vulnerability on their systems.


Published on: 04/09/2024 17:15:36 UTC
Last modified on: 04/10/2024 13:24:00 UTC